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thunda waz herd az smoke formed ova da horizon

Could it be Jesus?

nu it waz   U M I C A R 

mildred n geography hopd into da boat mobile which had the same complexion of trump n drove towards da person in need

mildred n geography hopd into da boat mobile which had the same complexion of trump n drove towards da person in need

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bawt transform intu spida and dug hiz way thru da groun towars cheryl

bawt reached champange 1st.

"hola madam i hear 2 fite dangr"

den bawts robotic eyes witnessd da moose bootyful hooman in exisence

oOOOoOo papi thicc he thought as he stard at cherry

'yus plz halp i want ma nuggets b0ss'

den da casheeer cam 

'waz ur name cassheeer?' bawt ask

my name iz.....  *crowd gasps*

"MAHALIAAAAAAAAAAAA"   da casheeer tore of mask shown har reeel identiti


mahaliaaaaaa is a criminal known 4 stealn peeplz lunchables

"welcum 2 yer D000000000M" she shriekd.

her voice waz $o powaful dat every1 in    C H I N A   changed dar name 2 gordon ramsey




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