Eight (8)

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I am feeling pretty good today, and I'm so thankful. I get dressed and I meet Bella in the kitchen.

"How are you feeling today?" Dad asks, sipping his coffee.

A smile forms on my face, "pretty well, today."

"Good." Dad smiles.

"Want some breakfast?" Bella asks.

"Les stop by the diner." I reply. "Cora told me to check in."

I get into Bella's truck, and roll my window down. It is fairly pretty outside today; dark gray clouds still hang in the sky, but the rain isn't falling, that's a plus always.

"Davina!" Cora exclaims and hugs me. "How are you today?"

"Today?" I murmur. "I'm going good today."

"Whatever you want, on Charlie's tab." Cora winks.

I giggle. "Eggs, and a hash brown."

"Anything to drink?" Cora asks as Wilson starts on my eggs.

"Unsweetened tea." I reply.

The library in Port Angeles isn't very large, but it is spacious enough. Bella and I sit at a computer, and she types in Vampires. I lean forward, and I read along too.

"The Cullen's are vampires." Bella gasps. "I'm taking a walk."

Bella leaves me, alone. I frown and u dual Jacob's number.

"Hello?" Jacob says groggily.

"I need you to pick me up." I say. "Bella left in a hurry."

"Where are you?" Jacob asks, alert.

"Port Angeles library." I reply.

"I'll be right there, Davina." Jacob says, I hear shuffling. "I'm on my way now."

I sit down on a bench outside, and I close my eyes. I feel the light breeze on my thinned skin, and I sigh.

"Davina." Jacob says, an hour later. "Come on, babygirl."

I get into Jacob's car. "Can I hang with you today?"

"Of course." Jacob replies and drives us to First Beach in La Push.

I walk across the sand, Jacob is sticking back to give me some space. I walk by the water, and I feel the coldness on my toes. A smile forms on my face, and I watch birds flying around in the sky.

"You like the outdoors." Jacob smiles.

I nod.

I walk up the driveway of the Cullen's, needing to talking about the secret I just learned. Jacob dropped me off, and now I'm out of breath. I ring their doorbell, and I attempt to catch my breath.

"Davina!" Jasper gasps, "come in and sit."

I sit on the chair in the foyer, and I pant. "I need to talk to the family."

"I'll go get the others." Jasper insists, and he jus upstairs.

"Hey." Rosalie greet soon after, and I have gained my breath.

"I know what you guys are." I say to everyone but Edward, he is talking to Bella.

""Alright; what are we?" Emmett asks from his spot beside Jack.

"Vampires." I reply. "Bella and I looked it up at the library."

"Well, you're correct." Carlisle says lightly.

"How are you curing my cancer?" I ask.

"I'm not, Charlie will think I did." Carlisle says. "I'll change you, when you die. I'll tell Charlie I'm keeping you here, to cure you."

I nod. "Why is Jasper seems so relaxed around me, even when I know the secret?"

"You're his blood singer." Rosalie replies, smiling. "Your blood appeals to him more than anyone else. You're also his mate, short for soulmate."

"It hurts seeing you so sick." Jasper frowns.

"I need to get home." I say. "I'll be here tomorrow for more chemo."

"I'll drive you." Jasper says.

I thank him softly, and I follow him to his vehicle. Jasper's cold hand rests on my knee, and he drives me home.

"Daddy." I call.

"Hey, babygirl." Dad greets.

"I want to shave the rest of the hair off my head." I say.

"Let me call Sue Clearwater." Dad says, going back to the kitchen.

"You'll look good with no hair." Bella insists.

I put on a phony smile as says Sue is on her way.

"Hi, honey, I'm Sue." A beautiful woman with tanned skin and dark eyes smiles. "I'm shaving your head for you."

"Thank you again, Sue." I smile. "I'm Davina, Charlie's daughter who has cancer."

"Have a seat, Davina." Sue says, not pitying
me in the slightest, causing me to smile.

I have a seat, and Sue gets to work.

I stare into the mirror with sad eyes, and Sue places her hands on my shoulder warmly.

"Are you okay, Honey?" Sue asks.

I nod. "I'll be fine, I hope."

Sue kisses my bald head, and she walks out. I walk to my room, ignoring the pitiful comments from dad and Bella. I close my door and I change into some pajamas.

Jasper Hale & the Cancer patient Where stories live. Discover now