Chapter 10

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Harry awoke from his nap several hours later. Not even a minute had passed when the curtain around his bed was wrenched open quite suddenly, "Harry!" Draco pounced onto him. Thank Merlin you're ok. Why would you try and to something that stupid?" He asked, pulling away. Harry sighed, "I just wanted to see my mum and dad again Draco. I'm sorry that I tried to do that, it was stupid of me. "Harry" Draco said, " I'm not mad, well maybe just a little mad. I was worried sick, ok? Snape wouldn't even let me go to see you it was that bad. Why would you to that to yourself?" "That night was the fifteenth year anniversary of my parents' death. I always hear voices in my head every year on that day, but this year it was a lot worse.
They told me that I was worthless, undesirable, unloved" Draco gripped his hand tightly, "I kept telling the voices to stop, but they wouldn't stop." Harry's voice cracked, "And I believed them, I tried to use firewhiskey to make them go away, and when that didn't work, I did the only thing that made sense at the time, I slit my wrists." Draco, who had been silent through the entire encounter whimpered a bit at that last sentence. A single tear rolled down his cheek. Harry looked up, and saw how hardly Draco was trying not to cry. "I'm sorry" Harry whispered, "Draco I'm so sorry" "Don't" said Draco, breathing deeply, "I should have been there for you when you needed me." "You have been there for me this entire year, you can't try and blame yourself. That will do more harm than good."  Harry pulled Draco into bed with him, being careful not to mess up the bandages on his wrists. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry, and hugged him tightly, breathing in the comforting aroma of his Harry. "Don'" Draco managed to get out before having to take more deep breaths. Harry hugged him back with full force, stroking Draco's hair. "Shush, it's ok, I'm here Draco, I'm ok." It was only after an hour of Harry stroking his hair, and whispering calming assurances that Draco calmed down. They lay there, Draco clutching at Harry for dear life peacefully for while. Madam Pomfrey came in after awhile, and gave him his meds. Harry downed it like a shot of alcohol, he hated the taste of that potion. The other didn't taste that bad, it did however make him drowsy. Harry's eyes felt heavy. He put his head on Draco's chest, and Draco wrapped his strong arms around Harry. "It's ok" whispered Draco, caressing his forehead, "You can sleep, I don't mind." Harry's eyelids drooped, and he was out like a lightbulb. Draco decided to take a small siesta as well. Hours passed, Madam Pomfrey woke them both up for dinner, and didn't object when Draco went back into bed with Harry afterwards. She pulled the curtain around Harry's bed as Harry was getting settled. "For privacy" she said simply. Draco was glad that they could cuddle, and not have anyone gawking at them. They both fell asleep, the only thing on their minds was each other. The next morning, Harry had a very unlikely visitor in the hospital wing. He heard footsteps approaching, but chose to ignore them. "Um...Hi Harry." The familliar voice trailed off. Harry looked up to see a haggard kooking Ron Weasley. "Look", began Ron before Harry could say anything, "Ginny and McGonnagal finally knocked some sense into me. I was so blinded by the schoolboy crush I had on you, that I didn't realise how happy he makes you...Even if I'm not that fond if him, he genuinely makes you a happier person. I'm so sorry, and if you don't forgive me, that's fine. I get it. I've been a horrible best friend and..." Harry cut him off by grabbing his one hand, careful not to shift so much as to wake Draco up. "Ron" he began, "you were literally my first friend. I understand how love can be blinding, so I forgive you. I will forgive the cruelness that was shown, but don't be mistaken, I will not forget." At this declaration of forgiveness, Ron burst into tears, something Harry had never seen Ron do before. Harry smiled and aqueezed his hand in a comforting gesture. Ron smiled sadly and left, with the promise to write Harry until he could leave. When Draco woke up, Harry told him about Ron. Draco wasnt thrilled about it, but was glad that the two of them had made up. Harry also had his classes switched back so that he would have them with his friends again. Things were looking up for the Boy Who Lived.
Harry was discharged a week later, but now there was a new problem; Harry has a fan club. Draco found it hilarious of course, huge swarms of girls from years 1-7 followed him around from class to class. "Blimey Harry" Ron said one Friday as they were walking to Charms, "Do they realize that you're bent?" Harry laughed. It seemed like no matter what he did, it only seemed to make his fans more rabid. In class, Hermione gave Harry a disapproving look as she flounced by. Hermione seemed to be becoming more and nore distant, and Harry had no idea why. Holding back a chuckle, Harry sat down across from Draco, reached across the table, and grabbed Draco's hand, continuing the conversation he had been having with Neville. "When will she realize that you don't care?" asked Blaise, sitting down next to Draco. "I don't think she will ever come to that realization, she's much too stubborn." Professor Flitwick walked into the classrom and waved his wand, instructions for the day's lesson appeared on the board. "Alright students" he began, "Today we will be reviewing summoning charms for your upcoming N.E.W.T.S." "But N.E.W.T.S aren't until June" Seamus interjected, slightly annoyed. "Well, indeed they are Mr. Finnegan, but it is never too early to start preparing." Professor Flitwick said cheerfully. After demonstrating the spell, and teaching them all the incantation, he had them split into partners; Seamus with Dean, Draco with Harry, Parvati with Susan, Neville with Ron, and Blaise with Theo. Be the time the entire class had paired off, Hermione was left by herself. "Um professor" she sputtered indignantly, "I don't have a partner!" "Surely you can figure out how to do the spell by yourself Miss Granger?" Professor Flitwick said, raising an eyebrow. Hermione huffed off. Harry began teaching Draco the spell. "Ok, so you need to do a sort-of jabbing motion, and then you need to do a small clockwise circle. While you do this, say the incantation. Ok?" Harry asked Draco. "I think so" Draco said, slightly unsure of himself. He attempted the spell on one of the cushions that Professor Flitwick had layed out. It wiggled, and moved over a few inches, but didn't come all the way to Draco. "Try to make the circular motion faster, you almost have it. " Harry said encouragingly to Draco. Draco's concentration faltered when Professor Flitwick whizzed by because of Neville's poor aim. "There!" Draco exclaimed, the cushion soared over to them. "Great job Draco!" said Harry beaming proudly. Ten minutes later, it seemed like everyone in the class was succeeding in demonstrating the spell. Everyone except for Hermione, that is. She was struggling to do the spell that even Neville had mastered by now. "Aurgh" Hermione screamed. "Why can't I do this God-Damn spell?" "That attitude probably has something do do with it" Ron mumbled under his breath. "What did you just say?" Shrieked Hermione. Everyone stared at her while she had her outburst. "Man" said Ron, "I am so glad I never went out with her." Everyone snickered at that last comment. It day ended on a high note for Draco and Harry. They spent all night letting each other know how much they loved each other. Harry woke up with hickeys all over his neck and chest. Great thought Harry, now everyone will know I slept with Draco. When he went to get out of bed, Draco stopped him by putting an arm around his waist. "Do you have to leave?" Draco asked sleepily, "it's Saturday." Harry thought about it for a minute. Having a bit of a lie in wasn't that bad of an idea. Sighing, Harry lied back down, his head on Draco's bare chest. Draco wrapped his other arm around Harry, and the two of them fell back asleep. A few hours later, Harry finally pulled free from Draco's tight grasp. Draco's eyebrows furrowed at the sudden loss of warmth, and he reached out, trying to find Harry. When he couldn't find Harry, his eyes flew open, panicked. He was relieved when a shirtless Harry poked his head out of the bathroom. "Don't worry, I'm just taking a shower." "Can I join you?" Draco asked, smirking, "I can't see why not." Harry replied grinning. Draco swaggered up to the door making Harry laugh. "After you"

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