Early Years of NC

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My 12 year old birthday started out pretty normal. My mom woke me up on a Saturday morning and said happy birthday. She made me chocolate chip pancakes.
I only have a couple of friends here in North Carolina, we all go to the same church. My best friend is a girl whose name is Lillian, there are a set of twins whose names are Eric and Derek, then there's killian and Lillian's brother chad. I have a crush on killian and also a crush on Eric. The issue with killian is that Lillian is in love with him. The issue with Eric is that his brother is cuter.
Anyways, we all along with our parents head to our favorite diner. We all order our usual chicken fingers with fries and they come in these cool cardboard cars. After I finish my Dr Pepper the boys start arm wrestling eachother. One by one I watch Killian beat every one of the boys.
Then, me being the "I am woman hear me roar" type child I challenge killian to try and defeat me.
Killian accepts my offer (pretty sure he just wanted to hold my hand). We sit at opposite sides of the table and all of the other kids gather around to observe our battle. Then I beat Killian. After that all of the other boys challenge me. I end up beating all of them and they all cry. (Wounded male pride smh)
The next day at church the twins mom decides to confront me about hurting her "poor babies" Eric and Derek. She tells me that "you made them feel less like men." After this I start crying because I thought I did something wrong.
Later that day I went home to my parents and explained to them what happened. To my surprise my father tells me that the twins just need to "do more pushups." If they want to be able to beat me in an arm wrestling contest.
This day was when I realized that no matter what I do if it hurts a mans pride you'll always look bad. So throughout my pre-teen years I didn't have any boyfriends. No crushes because none of them were worth it to me. I never had my first kiss. Never experienced "liking" someone. The twins mother ruined that for me. I grew up thinking all boys were weak and easy to injure.
Eventually after a few months the twins and the other boys had taken my dads unheard advice of doing more push-ups. I still didn't give them the time of day and Killian and Jillian had started getting closer.
Killian had kissed Jillian on the cheek which caused quite an uproar between their families. I still thought that Killian was the hottest thing alive but he was with Jillian so I didn't bother. I would just write about him in my diary.
Then after I had turned 13 a new boy moved to our church. His name was David. Jillian was immediately drawn to this kid. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and he was tall. Jillian's type also had to be younger than her. She was nearly 16 and poor David was only 13 like me. Killian was also 13 while Jillian was 15. Jillian decided it would be best to leave Killian behind and move on.
This gave me the perfect opportunity to tell him how I felt. Poor me, I was moving. So Killian and I would never see eachother again. (Or would we?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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