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I remember the first day of summer. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. I remember that day for so many reasons.

I sat with my best friend Jaeden by the pond. He was still debating if he wanted to put his feet in.

"I mean, it seems cool to sit on the dock like that but I don't want to be bitten or die or some shit." He said. What a child.

I looked him in the eyes with the most serious expression I could muster. "Jaeden." He was clearly scared at the sudden change.


"You know I care about you. You're definitely my favorite person ever, I promise. There's just something I need to tell you...."

"W-what is it, Y/N?"

I moved closer to his face and talked quietly even though no one else was around. "You're a little bitch. We're putting our feet in." He sighed and I laughed.

I took of my shoes and stood up, offering him a hand. He reluctantly took his off and let me help him up. "Ooookay." He said.

We walked the short distance to the dock that was shaded by a beautiful tree. I sat down on the end of the dock and he slowly did the same. We both put our feet in and he spent a minute preparing for his death by whatever he imagined was in the water.

"It's fine, loser."

"I guuuuess. I'm still suspicious." He was joking...I think.

I nudged his shoulder and we both laughed.

"You're a dweeb, ya know. That's why you're single." I told him. I knew that wasn't true, but the sudden redness on his cheeks made it worth it.

"That's not why! It's not my fault I don't want to be eaten by a pond shark. I have a lot to live for."

"It kinda is your fault."

After that, I pushed him in. No explanation or reason. I just thought it'd be amusing.

My thoughts were proved as I watched Jaeden flail around in the water. He wasn't drowning, I could tell her was being overly dramatic because he yelled.

"Woe is me! Young boy draws due to twat shoving him in. RIP."

I was happy with my work until I felt arms that were stronger than they should've been pull me in the water.

I splashed around a bit before surfacing to be face to face with my attacker. Jaeden smirked at me and I flicked his nose, swimming to the dock after.

A minute later, we were both sprawled out on the wood laughing at had just happened.

"I can't believe you pushed me in. Total dick move." He said.

"Well, you were being a dweeb. You know that's why you're--"

"That's not why I'm single! The girls that like me just aren't my type, ya know?"

I rubbed my chin to show I was thinking. "What is your type, then?" I could probably find him a girlfriend.

Jaeden scratched the back of his neck before kicking his feet in the water. "Well..I want someone funny for sure. So wed stay laughing instead of being bored. You know I hate boredom. I'd like a loyal girl. Someone to give me a lot of attention because I crave that shit, but also someone I can pay attention to. Also cuddles, I'm not a softie or anything but I love cuddling."

Jaeden was really a dweeb. But he just wanted love and caring and I found that adorable.

"Awwww. Soft bean." I said poking his cheek as he blushed.

"Whatever. What's your type, miss 'I'm totally cool I don't need a man'?"

I shrugged. "First, they'd have to be interesting. Doing all the work doesn't sound appealing. I want someone that can make me forget I have a phone, but will tag me in memes. Or someone who will sneak out to go to a pond with me and be wild that I can still sit and have a conversation with...."

I looked at the ripples in the water (nipples in the water skslgyjlmao) as a sudden realization hit me. Something that kinda, just a little birth bit, really fuckin changed everything....

"Uhh...I think I want someone just like you." I continued, looking to him and putting my hand slightly on top of his. "I want something like--"

I felt lips on mine before I finished and smiled. My best friend had just kissed me. My best friend was kissing me. I returned it and blushed as he pulled away.

"---this." I pecked his lips again. "I want something like this."

I'm updating for you GravesPrincess2003 you're welcome, bish.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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