Chapter 3

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Y/n: It was morning. All of us were up except for Weiss. Once she started to get up. Ruby blew a whistle in her ear making her fall out of bed.

Weiss: What in the world is wrong with you?

Ruby: Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: Excuse me?

Yang with items in her hands: Decorating! 

Y/n: Look I didn't agree with that one.

Blake: *holds up suitcase* We still have to unpack. *suitcase opens and things fall on floor* And clean. 

Y/n: That one is your fault Blake.

Ruby blew her whistle again making Weiss fall down.

Ruby: Alright! Weiss. Blake, Yang, Y/n and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission. Banzai! 

I knew where she was going with this and decided to play along.

Blake, Yang and Y/n: Banzai!

We got to work, I had little things.  But once everyone else was done, we figured out we had too much stuff. So we made bunk beds, and they were clearly unstable. But since we were not keeping track of time, we were going to be late for classes. I did what they called spammed my time-skip and got to class before anyone even left the dorm room.  When we got there, Weiss volunteered to fight a Grimm. And during this, she was disrespectful of Ruby. This only made me want to send her to space with my fist. But I knew because of where Weiss came from, it would be hard to not accept being a leader. I knew it would end quickly. Months went by. And one day we ended up some time away from the vytal festival. As we were walking Weiss went on about it, but in a boring way.

Yang: You really know how tto take a good thing and make you sound boring. 

Y/n: *holds up hand to Yang*

Yang: *high fives Y/n*. 

Yang: Remind me again  why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?

Y/n: No one told me the first time.

Weiss made a clear lie on why she wanted to come here. 

Blake: She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament. 

We noticed a robbery. And Weiss showed her dislike for the white fang. But Blake defended them. I did not care, the white fang had nothing to do with my target. My dad was right, it might take years to find and kill my target. I looked away and pondered about it for a moment, the next thing I know my team is gone. I found them talking to this ginger haired girl. 

Yang: Y/n where were you?

Y/n: I spaced out and when I came to, you guys were gone. 

The next thing I knew Blake and Weiss were arguing again, and it continued even after we got to the dorm.

Blake: maybe we're just being tired of being pushed around!

Y/n in head: We're. 

I pieced two and two together, she was a faunus, it all made sense once I thought about it. But before anyone could say anything she ran off. We went looking for her after she did not come back.

Ruby:  She's been gone all weekend.

Y/n: We'll find her.

Weiss: Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself.

Yang: Weiss come on. She's one of our teammates.

Weiss: Is she? We all heard what she said.

Y/n: Yeah, but I myself worked with questionable people before this, if I ever told any of you, you would all hate me. But I won't bring it up unless you ask, so shut up Weiss. 

We ran into that girl again, her name is Penny. And she brought up the now obvious conclusion that Blake is a faunus, even though no one else figured it out. That night we found where Blake was going. Ruby, Penny and I were there.  Roman was there with white fang. I went down and started knocking white fang out. Roman attacked Ruby with a shot and it knocked her back. Penny showed her true power and decimated the enemy. I could have stopped Roman form escaping. But he is useless to me at the moment. I only want Salem.  But Blake worked out her differences with everyone. I was walking around outside the dorm. Yang came up to me. 

Yang: Hey Y/n. 

Y/n: Hey Yang. 

Yang: Mind if I ask about those shady people you worked with? 

Y/n: No I do not mind, since you want to know, I will not lie about who I am. I know it is hard to believe, but every word is true. 

I explained everything. 

Yang: Woah. 

Y/n: I understand if you hate me for being a killer. 

Yang: Wait! You didn't have a choice! You were raised into that life. 

Y/n: Thanks.

Yang: Now for another question?

Y/n: Hmm? 

Yang: Will you go out with me? 

I was surprised to say the least. Yang being interested in me even after everything she learned.

Y/n: Yes I'll go out with you.

Yang: Yes! I knew you wouldn't say no! 

I chuckled at her, maybe my life is going in a better direction than that of a normal hit-man?

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