Ch1 Bummer Summer, or Not?

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_  ~  *  ~  _  ~  *  ~  _   AUTHORS NOTE   _  ~  *  ~  _  ~  *  ~  _

Just so you peeps know when words are like this it's 90% of them time a part of a song or a thought.

If it's like this then it's a thought(usually a thought in a song, other wise it would be confusing) or 90% an emphasised word.

Thx for reading and I really hope you enjoy!!

VFC, PLZ!!!!!!


Niccola/Nikki's POV

I don't want to move. Especially to a different country. I know everyone will make fun of me. l'm super small, Irish, eat alot, am a clutz, have a cussing issue, and kinda shy. I don't like talking to new people to much, unless I can feel like I can trust them/they're friendly.

Hi, i'm Niccola Hallan. But everyone calls me Nikki/Nicky. I'm a brunette with sparkling blue eyes. I have a secret too. I'm adopted, and I like to sing. I'm your average child. I make 'friends' easily, but I can never make real friends. The ones that really care about you and how you are. Another reason I don't want to move. All my friends will be back in Mullingar, Ireland, having to fend for themselves against the awful bullies.

That's one of the two things I wont miss about Ireland. The other thing is crime. You can't go any where without having to watch for thieves. Most of Ireland isn't like that, but Mullingar is.

Anyway, I have to go to my new life In Wolverhampton. With my luck we'll live next to some populars. Then i'll be bullied constantly. What a bummer summer.

Liam's POV

there are new people moving in next door. A man and his wife. I think they have a kid, but I'm not sure. I bet the kid will hate me too. I've been the most picked on kid at my school since forever. It's not my fault I only have one kidney!

Since I'm virtually friendless, I took up playing guitar. I always loved to sing, so the guitar made it easier and funner. Plus the music gave me someway to either forget the bullying or get my anger out about it. I hope the new kid isn't like the rest of them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l a t e r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Nikki's POV

We finally got to the new house. It wasn't to bad. And we actually had neighbors. I wonder if they have kids? Let's hope they aren't awful. I wasn't in the car 5 minutes before I got bored. Yeah, I have a short attention span. So I turned on my ipod and started singing. 

After a few hours we arrived, but I didn't notice. Apparently I fell asleep and I just so happen to sing in my sleep. (I talk about what happend during the day in my sleep if I'm not listening to music. If I'm listening to music then I just sing.) My parents thought I was awake so were pretty shocked when I started snoring.

Soon they woke me up and I had to help bring in a few things. I found a guitar case in the car. Weird, I thought, no one in my family plays guitar. I'll ask dad about it. As if on cue he walked out the door then. 

"HEY DAD!" I screamed, "WHO'S GUITAR IS THIS?!?!?" 

"You know, I don't know. None of us play guitar. You can have it if you want." He said. Gotta love being an only child, adopted or not, I get everything!

"T-HANX!!!" I yell extra loud. I put the rest of the stuff in the house and go outside with my new guitar.

Liam's POV

I was watching the new neighbors move in. I was being a creeper or anything, I was looking out my bedroom window. I found out they have a daughter. She's loud to. I got tired of watching the newbies and went to my backyard, grabbing my guitar on the way out.

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