1: College

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College is College

College is High School but with more freedom and responsibilities

College is so much better than High School

College is years of meeting new people

College is tough

College is away from parents

College is living on your own

College is loud sounds at four in the morning and midnight and every other inconvenient time

College is being eaten by a shark

College is way too stressful

College is Roommates

College is acting like I'm watching a movie but really I'm on my computer like my roommates

College is picking locks for procrastination

 College is waving a towel in front of the fire alarm just to make it shut up,

Stop the beeping!

College is handpicked schedules

College is long papers and big speeches

College is group projects that somehow always end up sour

College is being with friends

College is live-streaming with one of my best friends

College is community night every Thursday

College is walking from building to building for classes

College is tiring

College is a time to find out the truth

College is finding out my true friends

College is growing up

College is a waste of time

College is a lot of money

College is school

College is sleep deprivation 

College is interesting as in a no idea what is happening kind of way

College is difficult

College is Hell

College is life on steroids 

College is unexpected 


To be honest,

College is College

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