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Louis grumbled when he felt the ship come to a stop. He gotten used to the intense stops of ships but it still would wake him up, and when they would stop like this it means they would be boarding.

Just as Louis sits up the door opens and Harry comes in. Louis still can't get over his hair cut so of course he bites his lip. Harry notices and smirked as he came over. "Well hello sleeping beauty." He said as he leaned down and pecked his lips. "Came to tell you we've landed the first place that may have your father in it."

Louis gasped and looked up to him. "What?!" He asked as he pulled his face close and kissed him again. Harry made a surprised sound but smirked into the kiss.

"I can tell this made your day..." He said. "We have a bit of time before we get ready to go...we could-"

"CAPTAIN!" Gigi shouts as she runs in but her face instantly turns red and looks away. Harry stops before looking to Gigi.

"What is it?" He asked.

She looked over and bit her lip. "We are ready to board. We're just waiting for you too." She said with a small smile. Harry nodded and dismissing her before he turned to Louis. "Maybe tonight or tomorrow..." He said softly as he kissed the grumpy prince's temple.

"We haven't done anything in forever." He whined back as his thin arms cross angrily.

Harry smirked down at him and tilted his head. "Ya know it's funny...when I first met you, you were nothing but a whimpering virgin boy..." He said as he leaned in and nipped at his ear lobe. "But now you're basically a little slut." His deep voice drawed in his ear.

Louis resisted the urge to shudder before he pushed the captain off. "Let's go...your crew is waiting for you." Louis said softly as he stood up. "Hey how are we gonna go unnoticed in this place. Despite your hair being shorter and all people can still can recognize you I'm sure."

Harry stood up and grabbed some brown clothes he had shoved in the corner. He turned to Louis and chucked one part of it and Louis rose his eyebrow. "A cloak?"

"Well sort of...it has a hood...so that can at least cover your face." He said.

"A hood is our strategy?" Louis asked with a raise of his eyebrows.

Harry nodded. "No one will know, literally half of the pirates on this island are drunk off their asses." He said before he slipped the material on.

Louis only shrugged before he slipped his own cloth on and nodded to Harry. It was go time.

+ + +

Music plays in the distance as Harry walks with Louis on the island. Liam, Gigi, and Zayn came along making their presence more unknown on the dangerous island, the rest of the crew stayed on the ship to guard that just in case of a robbery.

Harry leads the small crew up into the town where the music becomes a bit more known. Louis observed his surroundings silently, men and women filled the streets and stumbling along with a big glass of beer in their hands. Some women are all made up for the men, and that's very obvious as their dresses are super out there and flashy and some corsets are strung tight where their breasts are pushed up and obvious. Louis swore he heard Gigi scoff at every single one of them.

"Where do we even look first?" Louis said quietly.

Harry sighed. "Let's go get a drink." He said as he looked to the pub that was right next to them.

"You're seriously thinking about drinking right now?" Liam scoffed. Everyone glanced back to him with a look since he didn't get it. "What...?"

Zayn spoke up. "Babe...we're gonna look there."

Liam blushed instantly. "Oh..."

Harry scoffed at the oblivious knight. "How did he ever guard you well..." He said before he smirked. "Oh wait...he didn't."

"Shut up." Liam scoffed.

Louis smacked Harry lightly before he signaled for them to go. "Come on we need to move before someone catches us."

Harry snickered before he nodded and led the group into the bar. As they were walking in Louis glanced over to see a boy about their age staring at them from behind a pillar. He furrowed his eyebrows but decided to let it be as they walked in.

"Liam order the drinks." Harry instructed softly. "No one will recognize you and it'll be safer if you do it anyway." He said as they walked in, his green eyes looked around for a dark place to sit knowing they would need to be sneaky.

They were then led to a table that was avoided any lights. Harry sat down and quickly scanned the room. "Do you even know what your father looks like?" He asked glancing to Louis.

Louis bit his lip. "Like me...but older? I don't know." He said with a sigh as he rested his chin on his hand. "I was thinking maybe he'd stick out."

Liam came over and placed the glasses on the table. "That's not something great to stick with." Harry said sternly.

"What do you expect me to do?!" Louis hissed at him.

"Research." Harry replied back sternly.

Louis rolled his eyes before he looked away and tried scanning too. He then stopped seeing that boy. "Oi Haz...that boy keeps staring at us."

Harry glance over to where Louis is staring and sure enough he's right. "Hm...do you think he knows us." He asked as he turned his attention to Louis.

"He wouldn't be staring at us if he didn't know." He said.

Harry nodded. "Let's go check him out." He said before ordering for the two to stay while him and Louis left the bar and sure enough Harry noticed the boy following them.

+ + +

The outside brings a chill to the boy as he keeps his jacket close. He had to follow these two though. As he turns down the alley that he noticed them turn down. When he noticed no one in there he sighed and moved in to get a better look.

As he walked in he was stopped by a sword coming to his neck. "Well...long time no see." Harry's voice drawn out in his ear. "Fionn..."

"Nice to see you too old friend..."

A/N As you may be wondering yeah that's Fionn Whitehead bc I love him. And yeah. I'm back after a long silence....so ye HI

Comment: #OldFriends if you enjoyed this story

Question: Why do you think Fionn is following them??

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~ kas ~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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