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“What the hell are you doing in my lab?!” an outraged voice asked, and Loki opened his eyes.  He found himself curled up at the feet of Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit.  Loki sprang to his feet and looked Stark in the eye.

“There’s some crazy guy with an ax attacking Clint on the street, and Thor said something about a beautiful woman!” he explained as fast as his tongue would let him.  Tony immediately lowered his helmet and started walking away.  “I have to help!” Loki said but Tony spun around.

“Oh no!  If I let you in this fight, and something happens, Thor will kill me,” Tony told him.

“Well, I don’t think you have much of a choice,” Loki told him with a smirk before he teleported back to where the fight was happening.

“I really hate magic!” Tony said bitterly before he flew off. 


Clint was doing a marvelous (obviously sarcasm) job of avoiding the Executioner.  He was tossed into buildings, and once, was almost dumped into a garbage can.  It was only the timely arrival of Steve, Natasha, and Thor that saved him.  “She must have been Amora!  What would she want with my brother?” Thor asked as he pulled Clint to his feet.

“You mean besides the fact that they’re ex-lovers, and he’s pulled the rug out from under her?  Oh, I have no clue,” Natasha said dryly.  Thor shot her a look, but they had to focus on the matter at hand.  The Executioner swung again, but when his ax hit the ground, it sunk in and the cement hardened around it.  Everyone looked up and they saw Loki with his hand out.  A green flame was enveloping his whole fist, all the way up his wrist.  He raised the second one and the Executioner sunk into the ground up to his knees.  Loki’s eyes started to burn green.  Thor started walking towards him, but that was when Iron Man arrived.

“Thor!  What is your crazy little brother up to?” he asked as they all watched Loki.  The Executioner tried to break out of it, but Loki’s hold was obviously too strong.  Loki started to smirk, but that was when something hit him from behind and he fell.  Iron Man zoomed over and caught him in his arms.  The back of his shirt was smoldering, and he had at least a second degree burn on his skin.

“Take him to a hospital!” Steve shouted as he threw his shield at Amora.  She was in her green garb and her hair was long, and golden.  Thor snarled and threw Mjolnir at her.  Loki moaned and Tony glanced down at him.

“Jarvis, I need to get to a hospital asap! What’s the fastest route?” Tony asked as he blasted off. 

“Take 12th Street sir and then turn down Benedict Street.  The hospital is a few blocks away,” Jarvis responded.  Tony nodded and then flew towards the hospital.  When he landed at the emergency entrance, the staff came out.

“We got a call from Hawkeye!  What’s the boy’s name?” the nurse asked as they took Loki and put him on a gurney.  Names flashed through Tony’s mind as he tried to come up with a cover for Loki.  The President of the United States did not know that Loki was here, he sure as hell could not let these people know.

“His name is Fenris,” Tony said quickly thinking of the name of one of Loki’s sons from legend.  The nurses raised their eyebrows.  “He’s Thor’s nephew,” Tony explained.  They nodded and then took Loki away.  Tony knew he should probably get back to the fight, but for some reason, he felt like he should stay with Loki until he knew that he was okay. 


A few hours later…

“Doctor,” Tony said (now out of his suit), “how is he?”

“Well, he had a pretty serious burn, so we had to regrow his skin and put that on his back to replace the dead cells.  You can go see him if you want,” the doctor said.  He led Tony to Loki’s room.  When Tony entered, he saw Loki lying on his side, with a thick bandage wrapped around his torso.  Tony signaled that the doctor and then he walked over.  Loki’s eyes were closed, and his breathing was calm.  Tony pulled up a chair and looked into his youthful face. 

“I’m sorry.  I’m sorry that I was such a jerk!  You’re just a kid.  I can’t blame you for my pain.  You’re trying to do good by your brother and the rest of us.  I can see that you’re fond of us, and everyone is fond of you.  You’re a good kid, Loki.  Don’t forget that,” Tony said as he gently stroked his hair.  A smirk slowly appeared on Loki’s face and he caught Tony’s hand.  Tony jumped a little as Loki opened his eyes.

“I just had to earn your trust.  But, no offense, you are a suspicious bastard,” Loki told him.  Tony hugged Loki, careful of his burn and laughed.

“You’ve been hanging out with Clint too much!” he said as he tried to control himself.

The Avengers: Raising Kid LokiWhere stories live. Discover now