Chapter 5: Two?

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SHUT UP YOU BANSHEE!!! CAN'T ANYONE SLEEP AROUND HERE WITHOUT SOMEONE YELLING!?!?!?" I yell. Everyone looks at me as if I was insane

[Naruto's POV]

After I said that three people came running in, or more like came through the window. They are Anko, Ibiki, and TenTen.

Iruka was the first one out of his shock. "What's going on?" he asked us.

"We're taking Naru and Sasu with us. Because they passed we're taking Naru to get more poison to add to his tor-I mean set?" Anko questioned the last part. She then adds "And im guessing they have to be back tomorrow, right?"

"Okay? You can take the-" Iruka was interrupted by the screaming banshee.

"WHAT!?!?!? THEN WHY IS MY Sasuke-kun GOING WITH THAT BAKA!?!?!?!?" Miss. Banshee yelled.

My whole group gathered before she yelled. We all growl and glare at her fir so many reasons. Reason one, we HATE Miss. Banshee. Reason two, Miss. Banshee yelled that MY sasu was hers. Reason three, im tiered. The list goes on forever.

We all look at each other then we all gain sadistic smiles, Sasuke's was more of a smirk tho, my smile was ear to ear with sharp teeth. We slowly turned to Miss. Banshee. "Your number one on our list." We all say unison. She gulped and ran.

"Bye!! See ya!!" I yell as we went through the broken window. When we were far away we all fell down from laughter.

"We should get going." Anko said after our litte (*cough* more like hour *cough*) laughing fit.


They ended up putting a story out of business because we bought every poison, weapon, food, clothes, etc. basically everything we saw. We always do this when something great happens in our little family the villagers call us "The Crazy Family" but we like it cause its true.

After we put our stuff in our rooms we went to get our favorite dango (Here 🍡) when we got there everyone glared at me. We sat down and ordered the waitress came back with our dango. I eat mine and mine had poison in it, but oh well.

"Miss I suggest that you don't poison the food you could have killed someone if I gave them my food." I suggest. Everyone's and I mean everyone's eye were wide.

(Naruto's [the one that cant remember] POV)

I woke up from screaming and a girl ran in. "Its okay. Its okay, Naruto-sama." The girl girl reassured me.

"Who are you? What happened? Where am I? Who am I?" I asked her. She looked at me with pity showing in her eyes and on her face.

"Im your maid, Rin. Your in your room in the mountain you own. You are Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. And for your other question about 'what happened' your going to remember soon. You have another body that you can control and when the time is right you will bring him here. Your friends will come with your other body. You also have the Nine-Tailed-Fox sealed with in you. His name is Kurama he calls you 'kit' and when its time you will get all your memories when the rest of you become one again. You will also keep your memorise here, but theres not much to remember." Rin explained.

"Thank you, Rin. Can I get out of the chains and come down?" I asked. She had brightened up but her eyes still held pity.

"Of course. Also you have to have the chains on, but you can come down. Let me help you." Rin told me as she gently pulled me down. I fell when my feet touched the flour she helped me walk around.

As we walked everyone we pasted looked surprised, but Rin explained everything. We got to the dinning room that had some kind people there they helped me eat. "Can we go outside, Rin?" I asked. She smiled then nodded we walked outside it is so pretty.

There is a valley with a small meadow and small pond. All the animals looked at me then came running towered me. I noticed that one animal looked like no one loved her. I pulled on Rin's shirt and I pointed at the baby animal.

"Oh, that's Karma she has no family they died when you and her were born. Like you Naruto-sama she has no family, but she doesn't respond to us. You and Karma are the same age and you have the same birthday. She-" I ran to Karma she saw me and ran towards me. Rin was shocked and then she smiled.

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