My head spun, I saw stars spiraling out of control. This was an average day, my lion was swatted by the robeast we've battling. Another attempt to take the lions, but this one was tough.
"Pidge, are you all right?" Shiro asked, I finally stabilized the lion. Shiro and the others were circling the robeast. This robeast was a giant wolf monster, it's armor was too hard to penatrate.
"How are we gonna beat this?" Asked Lance, he was rapidly shooting lasers at it from all sides, the robeast shrugged it off like it was nothing. So far we've been the only ones taking damage, Hunk gave up and has started repeatedly trying to head butt it, Keith and Shiro are attempting to slice through the armor, Lance is shooting at it, and I'm trying to find some weak spot.
"My lion is taking to much damage!" Hunk yelled, backing off from the robeast.
"How about we form voltron and whoop some robeast butt!" Lance yelled, so far it's been one of his only good ideas. This thing wasn't even trying, like it was taunting us.
"Okay team, form voltron!" Shiro commanded, we set up in formation. The robeast found its chance, it lunged at my lion.
"No!" Keith yelled, his lion flew in the way and took the damage but knocked into me. He may have took the blow, but the force of the attack sent us flying into space.
"I can't control my lion! I yelled, it took too much damage. We were still moving at an incredible speed and could stop.
Shiro, Hunk, and Lance were completely taken by suprise, the robeast suddenly attacked viciously without warning, and we couldn't do anything as we floated away.
"Ugh, ow." My head felt horrible, my lion was dark and wouldn't turn on. I got out of the lion, I was in some kind of junglethe lion was leaned on the side of a tree that seemed ready to fall.
Why was I in a jungle? it was a vast expansion of trees and vegetation. Then I saw the green lion, Pidge! The lion was half submerged in a lake and seemed to be sinking in more. I ran to it and went inside, Pidge was knocked out. I carried her out of the lion and rested her on a tree. Then she started to wake up.
"Keith, where are we?" She asked, still half asleep I would have smiled at how cute she looked if we weren't stranded on an unknown planet. "What happened to the others?!"
I then remembered what happened. "After getting hit by the robeast I blacked out, what do you remember?" I asked.
"We were hit and the robeast attacked so quick, and we floated away."She said, she looked so confused and scared. "The others could be hurt, or worse."
She gave me the saddest look I've seen from her before. "Pidge, these are the guys we're talking about, they've gone through worse, what can a robeast do that hasn't been done before?" I asked, trying to help.
"It could kill them." She said, looking at the ground and thinking.
I didn't know what to do, so I sat down next to her and held her close. "Have faith in them, they'll pull through. But right now we need to worry about ourselves." I said.
We sat there for what seemed an eternity, the only company we had were each other and the jungle. But it soon became clear we were both blushing and it was hard to ignore. "So, what are we gonna do now, make camp here or search the place?" Pidge asked, trying to break this extremely awkward silence between us which caused us to break away from each other.
"We might as well set up camp, the lions aren't going anywhere any time soon." I said, both lions were beat up bad from the attack and the crash.
"Well were do we start?" She asked.
We started gathering anything that could help make shelter, sticks, rocks, leaves, etc. We hide the lions under leave, them lying around made us stick out like sore thumbs. "Well that should do it." Looking at our camp, it wasn't the best but it would do. It was two tiny rooms made up of sticks and leaves.
It was pathetic.
All the sudden something rustled in the bushes, immediately I jumped in front of pidge. My Bayard held out ready to strike. Then out came two little aliens.
"Who are you?" One asked, they looked adorable, not that I would admit that. They looked like little teddy bears, but with spears and clothes.
"I am Pidge, this is Keith we're paladins of voltron." Pidge spoke, walking towards them. They looked to tiny to be dangerous.
"Your Voltron?! That's awesome, He said, at least I think it's a he, they spoke in a cute little kids voice, I couldn't figure out what gender it was.
"So you know about Voltron?" Kidge asked, it didn't seem likely these aliens have heard much from outside of those planet.
"No, just messing around, what the heck is Voltron?" He asked. "Follow me, we got our own village." I guess our camp was built for nothing.
"Wow, Star Wars got some aliens surprisingly right." Pidge said, looking at the furry aliens, they looked like Ewoks.
"Nerd." I muttered, which got me a punch to the arm from pidge.
Hello, welcome to my kidge fanfiction. If your reading this then maybe you've read the recast of the chapter and actually enjoyed it, so thank you. If you didn't like it that's fine just don't hate. All Kidge shippers welcome!

Unexpected journey (Kidge)
FanfictionPidge needs her own life changing experience with Keith, so why not have it on an unknown planet with no hopes of escape, and with cute little Ewoks.