Chapter One

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Ada's POV

I lay in the grass looking up at the stars. Adrian is laying next to me and I feel his eyes on me. I turn a little and look at him. "I love you, Ada Jae," he says to me.  

"I love you too, Adrian," I say while thinking to myself that my life couldn't get any better. But things always seem to get worse before they get better...


The next day when I get to school I instantly look for Adrian. Adrian Reid. The most popular and  hottest guy in the entire school. Quarterback on the football team. My boyfriend of two years, three months, and five days. And counting. I don't find him in his usual hangout spots so I head to the football field. When I get there I see Kai, Taylor, and Jayden. Kai and Taylor happen to be the cutest gay couple at this school. Jayden is Adrian's best friend. We used to be really good friends but we grew apart. He lives right next to me.

"Hey Jayden," I say as I walk up to him. "Have you seen Reid?" 

He looks at me and smiles. His ice blue eyes look at me intently. I have to say, with his black hair and blue eyes he's pretty attractive. "I saw him and Layla walk towards the school. That way," he says, pointing towards the bleachers. 

"Thanks hun!" I say as I walk towards the way he pointed. Layla is my amazing best friend. I've known her since we were born. 18 years and counting. As I walk past the bleachers I hear Layla's high pitched giggle.

I walk back to the bleachers and see Adrian with his lips pressed to Layla's neck. His hands have disappeared beneath her shirt. I stand there, wide eyed. Layla sees me and her mouth drops open. "Adrian," she hisses. He laughs and looks up at her. He follows her gaze and his smile drops.

"Shit! Ada..." he starts. I hold up my finger.

"Just. Don't." I run off and before I realize what's happening, I'm in Jayden's arms trying to sob out what happened.

"Jesus. I knew something seemed off. I'm so sorry Jae," he says, calling me by my middle name like he did when we were kids. I stay in his arms and cry until the bell rings.

"Hey," Jayden says lifting my chin. "Why don't we ditch today? We can go to my house and hangout."

I look up at his hopeful blue eyes. He smiles and I see his adorable dimples. Okay, he's pretty fucking cute, I say to myself. Come on Ada, you've known this kid for as long as you can remember and you just found out you've been cheated on... Wait, how long was he cheating on me for? 

I take myself out of my thoughts and notice he's still smiling his gorgeous smile at me. I smile back and nod. Going to his house would be a lot better than being in school right now. I hear Adrian calling my name from behind me. Layla follows close behind him.

"Jayden I don't want to talk to him right now," I sob. "I can't handle this right now. I...." 

I can't even get the sentence out before I start bawling. I can't believe I wasted two years, three months, and five days on a cheater. I really thought I was going to end up with him. I guess I was another stupid and naive teenage girl. 

"Ada please," Adrian begs. "Please give me the chance to explain what happened."

Jayden is about to speak but I hold up a hand to stop him. I take a deep breathe and say, "Why? Just why? And with my best friend of all people!"

"Ada..." he starts, but I cut him off.

"How long?"

"Wha.. what do you mean?"

"How long have you been cheating on me?!" I yell.

He looks at the ground and rubs the back of his neck. He speaks so quietly I can barely hear, "Since the beginning..." 

Before I realize what I'm doing, I smack him with all the power I have. Layla gasps and I fall to the ground and start crying again. Jayden picks me up and holds me. He glares at Adrian and says angrily,  "Get. The fuck. Away from her. Now!"

Adrian stands there for a second, speechless. He turns and walks away. Layla looks at me with sad eyes and sighs. She turns and follows Adrian. I stay in Jayden's arms for what seems like forever. He kisses the tops of my head and hugs me tighter. I've missed him.

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