Chapter 4

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~~Billie's P.o.v~~

I miss them so much. Nikki and Bella.. It's so hard to believe its been 15 years since I've seen their faces. But when I look at Natalie and Jacob, I see them. I need to find Them...

"BILLIE" Mike yells snapping me out of my thoughts 

"What" I look to his wide Blue eyes and he points with a smile

"There!" I look in the direction hes pointing and sure enough Natalie and Jacob stand there in their matching out fits. They're standing in a corner and Natalie is looking at her phone and Jacobs standing in front of her In an almost, protective way. We all start running towards them.

"N-Natalie" I whisper,trying to catch my breath as we reach them. She just looks at the 3 of us with wide eyes.

"Y-yes?" She stutters,  shes scared

"We're not gonna hurt you or anything" I smile and she does to relaxing a little

"Jacob" Mike mumbles.

"Listen this is gonna sound  fucking crazy but.." I look for the right words to say.

"I-uh I.." I stutter

"What is it" She looks up to me with worried green eyes, just like mine.

"Come with us, I-uh we need to talk to the both of you" Mike says starting to walk away. They both look at each other before following behind Mike, Jacob walks with his arm around Natalie, as if he's trying to protect her from something. We walk around the stage and onto the Tour bus in the back. Once we get on Mike closes and locks the door, I see a wave of fear instantly cover their faces and Jacob tenses up.

"Im just locking it so no one comes in" Mike reassures them, and they relax a little.

"You might wanna sit down for this" I sigh and they both sit.

"Ok, this is gonna sound crazy so bare with me ok" I speak slowly and they nod, Tre and Mike stand to either side of me.

"Natalie, If I'm not mistaken, Your mom's name is Nikki- Nicole, and You live here in Rodeo, and you've never met your dad, because he left when you were just a week old, Your full name is Natalie Faith Brookes, and You're mom's best friends name is Bella right?" I ramble and she's staring at me with wide eyes

"H-how d-did you know?" She stumbles over her words

"I'll tell you that soon" I smile.

"Ok Jacob," Mike begins. "Bella, Is your mom, she has Blonde hair and, You never knew your dad because.. he never knew your mom was pregnant,.. Right?"  he  finishes.

"Yeah, exactly" He nods in amazement.

Now, I just want to know If us leaving, protected them from.. Him

"Ok, I have a question" I sigh, hoping they'll say no.

"I'm gonna say a name, and I want you to tell me if it sounds familiar, Ok" I say slowly and they nod.

"Cameron" I hold my breath waiting for their answer, I see Jacob clench his fist and Natalie starts crying.

"Y-You mean.. like m-mom's ex boyfriend" Natalie stutters as the tears fall.

"Oh my god, please tell me he hasn't hurt you guys I swear to fucking god I'll-" Mike lays a hand on my shoulder, as if telling me to be quiet.

"Can, you tell us how you know so much about us" 

"We... knew your mom's" Tre pitches in

"What how?" Natalie asks

"Uh-I-Long story really" I force a smile as the memories come flooding back.

"You think they'd remember you guys?"  She asks again

"How could they forget us" Tre smiles

"If.. you want you can come say hi" She half smiles

"I-don't know I-" She cuts me off

"Mom has been really upset lately, about missing my dad.. and something about 'Not having the guys around to help anymore' and I think If she could see some old friends again, she might be a little happier Y'know?" She stated to smile again. I look at Tre who has the biggest smile on his face, then to Mike who is even smiling himself.

"Y'know what, why the fuck not" I smile. 

"I don't know what it is about you three, but I feel really connected to all of you and I feel like, Mom and Nikki will really be happy to see you.. I can;t really explain why.. but I know they will" Jacob Smiles at us. And with that we leave the stadium.

"Did you guys take a car here or-" Jacob cuts me off

"We walked, we don't live to far." He smiles at us. Soon enough I find myself standing in front of the house we left Nikki and Bella and Nattie at all those years ago.

"Oh my god" I mumble.

"Ok uh stand right here and well go make them hide and then bring you guys in and bring them out ok?" Natalie said with the biggest smile, I couldn't help but smile,, thinking about seeing them again.

After a few minutes Jacob pops his head out and tells us to come in. We walked in as quietly as we could and we all the stood there with Natalie and Jacob standing beside us. All of us had huge smiles on our faces, I really miss them.

"Mom? Bella, we brought some old friends of yours, they said they used to know you and I know you've been really sad lately and I thought some old friends could help.. Y'know?" She smiles, and I hear them laugh.

"Ok, Come down" Jacob Yelled and they both walk down the steps and as soon as my eyes meet Nikki's my heart stops. I look to Bella who is staring at all of us with  wide eyes

"Oh my god.. no way" Nikki says with a smile creeping onto her face. seconds later she runs to me and jumps into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist and I spin in a circle.

"I can't believe, after 15 years-" She starts and tears fall from her eyes.

"I missed you" She smiles as I set her down.

" I missed you too" I say and I just can't seem to wipe this smile off my face.

"oh my god Tre" She hugs him with a smile and he smiles really big

"I missed you, buddy" he laughs

"yeah I missed you too" She smiles moving to mike. Then Bella comes to me and we hug

"Hey Bella" I smile and she does too

"Ok you all have some explaining to do" She laughs and Nikki nods

"yeah, Beej did you tell them-" I cut her off, 

"No not yet, I didn't know if we should" I say and she nods

"Natalie," she smiles and Natalie looks over to her with wide eyes

"wait mom, you just called him Beej" She starts to smile

"Shit I did didn't I" She laughs

"Does that mean.. he's my.. dad?" She asks and she nods

"Wait, Jacob chimes in looking to Bella, " Does that mean that He's my.. dad?" He asks pointing to Mike and she smiles and nods.

We have some catching up to do" Tre smiles and we all agree. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about how Everything was perfect, it was all falling into place, Life was about to get a whole lot better, or so we thought..



I liked writing this chapter, I miss them all being together, but Some shit's boutta go down,

Next chapter will be... Interesting ;)

 Also, Thank you to everyone who reads this, It means a lot to me

Don't forget to Vote and Comment, because I love comments.

Thank you again,

See You Next chapter,


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