First day of the games

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(3rd person) POV
     A young (h/c) girl was walking down a tunnel waiting for her team to be called. Her teammates consisted of Laxus, Mirajane, Gajeel ,and "Mystogan". She had her usual mask on to hide her cheeks and forehead.

she wore (one of the outfits below) and fiddled with the hem of her shorts as she thought about how glad she was to be chosen for the second team

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she wore (one of the outfits below) and fiddled with the hem of her shorts as she thought about how glad she was to be chosen for the second team.

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~Flashback~     Master had called (Y/N) to his office

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     Master had called (Y/N) to his office. When she opened the door she saw Laxus, Gajeel, Jellal, and Mirajane already there.
     "Now that everyone's her we can start. You five will form fairy tail team B. Please don't tell the other team" Master spoke.
     "What would we get out of it may I ask." (Y/N) spoke.
     "The team that wins gets to order the losing team around for a whole day."
      "And if neither team wins? Not that it will happen but.."
      "The team with the higher place will be consider the winner." Master smiled.
Everyone on team B got an evil look on their face. 'They will perish' they thought.
~Flashback End~
      (Y/N) smiled at the memory as she stopped fiddling.Then the moment finally came. Laxus made a huge fairy tail sign out of his lighting as they came out. She wore her biggest smile and walked out with her team her bright (e/c) orbs shining brightly through her mask. The crowd was cheering her name. 'Glad too see her popularity didn't go down' thought her team as they sweatdropped.
    "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" Said girl turned and saw her pink-haired friend, his mouth was hanging open and so were his teammates'. After the shock wore off they went up to Team B and started asking questions.
      "Well master said we were making a second team..I didnt realize it was supposed to be stronger," everything went silent. All the guilds that were already called out looked at her. "What?  Was I wrong?" She said as she tilted her head to the side.
      "Oh ya bring it on (Y/N)!" Natsu and Gray yelled at the same time. By this time the crowd started laughing and cheering which she hoped was for the guild and not at.
      "Oh! You know I will! Be prepared to lose to me sugar plums!" She shouted back smiling. 'We'll do it for you guys for the ones who stayed behind. One day with booing at us wouldn't make up for the seven years you had to deal with it. We'll make sure it'll never happen again.' She thought.
      "As if that'd ever happen! Be prepared to lose to us!Since you're not on our team that means you're our enemy" Natsu called out.
      "You'll be stuck doing whatever we tell you in the future so just act as if you're gonna win, it'll be fun to crush you when you're like that. Isn't that right dollface." Laxus smirked as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders causing a glare from natsu.
     "They'll be waiting on us by the poolside honey." (Y/N) giggled out.
     "Wait what do you mean doing whatever we tell you in the future who said that?" Lucy shrieked.
      "Well master said the team with the higher place in the games could boss the losing team for a whole day." Mira smiled wickedly.
      The two teams faced each other. Gajeel and Natsu, Mira and Elfman, Erza and Mystogan, Laxus and Gray, then finally (Y/N) and Lucy. There was so much tension between the two teams you'd doubt they were in the same guild. Everyone on the two teams had their war faces on except for Lucy and (Y/N) they were making small talk.
     "Well Gray I hope you remember our deal you lose the games and (Y/N) joins Lamia Scale." Lyon said walking up to the two teams.
      "Huh? Well-hmm I'll join whatever guild comes in first," (Y/N) said "of course it'll be fairy tail, you can bet on that! But to be nice I'll do a favor for the top five guilds." She smiles.
     The guilds heard this though and all smirked. 'We'll have a chance at taking Fairy tail down if she's with us' a certain guild master thought.
      "Having a women's touch would help us clean up our guild a bit and we can teach you how to be WILD!" Someone from cuatro Cerberus said.
      "As if we'd let such a beauty join the likes of you she needs girl power." Came from mermaid heel.
      "If she wants a high class guild she'll obviously join us." Someone from blue Pegasus said.
       "We've won the games before we're obviously going to win again." This time the (H/c) colored girl saw who it was because they had a cocky smile, blond hair, and their arm around her waist. No one in the discussion even heard Sabertooth being called.
      "Well now," she spoke as she removed herself from the blond's grasp, "you're against Fairy tail who's back and stronger than ever!" She finished as she made her way back to her team. With this statement the boy smiled at the girl's retreating figure. 'Oh is it going to be fun this year.' He thought.
     The teams all went in to their balcony and then the first game was announced. Hidden.
      I volunteered and went down. My biggest problem was keeping an eye on raven tail's and sabertooth's players, winning the game for my team wasn't really a priority. We could always make up those points later, if I could figure them out. I telecommunicated with makorav. 'I feel as if I should focus on information master, but tell me what you want me to do.' 'Focus on information but if Gray starts going down hill focus on winning' 'will do master'
      They explained hidden and we were placed in a city like place then there was a bunch of clones of the contestants. Alright hide and get information. First up, Raven Tail's Nalpudding. I acted like a clone and stood still holding my breath. I felt an uneasy aura near me then something lunged at me. I roundhouse kicked the person before they could get me. I got a point and saw it was nalpudding. 'Great now I need to find him'
      As I was strolling around looking for nalpudding I sensed something coming towards me and moved out of the way last minute I looked to where the attack was from and saw another Blond from sabertooth, with a plain mask and a hat. I quickly activated my 'all seeing eyes' and looked at his stats. 'MRufus. 19 like me, huh.'
     I stalked around some more then the time was up. 'No more blitz attacks from Raven Tail it seems.' The order was.
1st: Sabertooth 10 points
2nd: Raven tail 8 points
3rd: Lamia Scale 6 points
4th: Blue Pegasus 4 points
5th: mermaid heel 2 points
6th: Quatro Cerberus 4 points
7th: Fairy tail B 1 point
8th: Fary tail A 0 points

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