Poems, Thoughts, Songs and Stuff I've Written.

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*I'm bilingual.  So some stuff are in spanish. If you don't understand it, just comment about it and i'll make translations.*

*Just shoot me, make me go out cold. Just shoot me, I have nothing left to hold.

*I'm dead, I'm blue now tell me what to do. It's so difficult to be with you.

*Encontre mi razon de ser. Quieres saber que es? Simplemente eres tu.

*I love everything about you. I love your lips, face, eyes, mouth, body, mind and most of all your ass.

*Your personality is excuisit, different than others. It shines in the darkness, because you are my light.

*Tu iluminas mi noche, contigo me siento segura. Tu eres mi protector.

*Your my own play toy. I can push you, hit you, bite you, scratch you, hug you and anything  I want. Your like my own Barbie .You've got my mark on your foot.

*El tiempo que me daz para estar contigo no es nada de suficiente, pero tu amor si lo es.

*No existen palabras para describir cuanto Te Amo, por eso te lo demuestro con actos.

*Life, Over the top, Very, Exciting. •LOVE•

*Te adoro, Eres todo mio, Amor de mi vida, Mi amor es tuyo, Orgullosa de ser tuya. •TE AMO•

*I miss you like a baby missis it's blanky, like a little girl needs her doll and like a heart missis & needs his other half.

*Love sucks but we just can't help fall for it, we are so masaquists. We need love, we can't live without it. Life is all about love and without it we are nothing.

*You are the star in my sky, the light in my night and the only love of my life.

*I've never liked you because i've always loved you.

I've never wanted you because i've mkalways needed you. 

I've never wanted some of you because I wanted all of you. 

But now your all mine;)

*No me subas al cielo, si me vaz a dejar caer. No me dez alas, si no me vaz a dejar volar.

*Amor es la sata hermana del odio.

* He's the only thing on my mind and the only thing I want to write. 

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