A Split in the Road

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"Ladybug!?" Chat looked around the forest and didn't see anyone for miles around him. "Great, what kind of crazy story I'm stuck in now?" *snap* Chat didn't know what happen but his instinct took over and it was't his cat ones. He reached over his back and shoot three arrows within 5 seconds towards the source of the sound. "Woah! Easy there Robin Hood! It's just me, Little John!" Chat lowered his bow and saw Nino standing in front of him with his arrows that he shot. "What's going on?" "The archery tournament? Remember? Winner gets a kiss from Maid Marian?" *Maid Marian is the love interest of Robin Hood! So, if Ladybug get's a lead part, it has to be her!* Chat smiled at him, "lead the way, my friend. I got this win in the bag." 

*In Ladybug's story*

Ladybug looked around and saw she was in a forest but was in some building, "where am I?" Ladybug walked around the room till she walked up to a mirror and was in shock. Her dark hair so long that it dragged behind her in the whole room. "Rapunzel, are you kidding me? Where is Chat when you need him?" Ladybug took out her yo yo and tried to locate him on her gps but she couldn't get any signal. "My love ... My daring Rapunzel, let down your hair!" Ladybug panicked when she heard a man scream from out her window, "oh no! That would be the prince! Please, let it be Chat!" Ladybug  walked over to the window and looked down and saw a man standing at the foot of the tower. *I am not going to let anyone up here unless it's Chat Noir!* The Prince gave a worried look, "my love are you alright? Please, let down your hair!?" Ladybug roll her eyes and groans, " If this guy is not Chat Noir, I'm going to throw him off this tower.

Ladybug hooked her hair over a hook above her window and threw her hair down to him. The Prince smiled as he climb her hair and through her window, "Rapunzel.." Ladybug saw it wasn't Chat Noir who was the prince in this story, it was Nathaniel. He walked up to her and tried to kiss her but Ladybug backed away from him. "Sorry, I'm going to have to cut this visit short!" Ladybug punch him in the face and knocked him out cold. She carefully lowered him to the ground and back on his horse using her hair. She threw a rock at the horse that scared it and it ran out of the forest. "Chat, where are you? I don't how long I can hold off this story." 

*In Chat's Story*

 Chat Noir watched from a safe distance from the tournament, "where's Maid Maridan?" Nino smiled and hand him a telescope, "Royal tent, second throne to the right, and there's your girl." Chat looked through the telescope and saw Maid Marian, who wasn't Ladybug, it was Chloe. "Are you kitten me right meow!" Little John a.k.a Nino, smiled and laughed at him, "you're in shock that you see your childhood crush and girlfriend all this time? Plus, you plan on proposing to her after the tournament." *There's only one girl I want to be my girlfriend and would want to marry her in heart beat, it's so not her!* "Forget it! I am not doing this tournament!" Chat jumped down from the tree and started walking away. "Woah! What are you talking about!? You and Maid Marian are soulmates! You planned on sealing the deal today!"

Chat made a face at him, "I'm not doing this! So, forget it!" Chat stormed of with his bow and quiver attached to his back, "My heart belongs to Ladybug alone! So, I am not doing this fairy tale!" "What a sad ending to a sad tale." Chat turned around and saw Storyteller leaning against a tree and smiling at him. Chat loaded his bow and aimed it at him, "enough with these dump stories and return everyone back to the real world!" Storyteller laughs at him and walked up to him, "Robin Hood lower his bow and dropped his weapon as he listen to the mysterious stranger he met." Chat eye's widen when he realized he did exactly as he said, "how did you -!?" Story teller grabbed him by his neck and pinned him to a nearby rock, "I control the  story! If you don't play along and finish the story, I'll make sure Ladybug's story would be a tragic one!" 

Anger build up inside Chat and he kicked him in his chest and reverse the hold. Now, it was Chat pinning Storyteller to the rock my his neck. "If you hurt her... I will destroy you!" Storyteller laughs and points to a magical mirror that appeared behind him, "take a look!" Chat looked and saw a tower in the middle of a forest that slowly zoomed in and showed Ladybug sitting by her window. Tied up in chains and have bombs at the base of the tower ready to explode. "Ladybug!?" Storyteller smiled and lean in towards Chat, "finish your story otherwise Ladybug a.k.a Rapunzel is finished!" Chat tighten the grip on his bow as he stared at the magic mirror that shows Ladybug. Chat looked closely at Ladybug and noticed something about her that bothered him, her eyes. They were blue but they were a midnight blue color. *M'lady have bluebell eyes! Not midnight blue!*

"I am not finishing your dumb story!" Storyteller was in shock but smiled, "fine, have it your way!" Chat watched the tower blow up into a giant fireball and left nothing but rocks and fireballs raining down. *What if I was wrong!? That was the real Ladybug! What have I done!?* Storyteller laughs as he vanishes, leaving Chat staring at the mirror of the burning tower. Chat reached out and touched the mirror and saw his hand went straight threw it, "So, this id how you been traveling around your stories!" Chat jumped into the mirror and in a flash of light he landed in front of Ladybug's tower. That was't destroyed or on fire, "Please, be alright  M'lady!" Chat ran to the base of the tower and looked up at the window, "Rapunzel, please, let down your hair!?" Ladybug sat by her window as she looked down to see who is at her tower.

"If you are the prince, I already told you to leave me alone and never come back to this tower! Otherwise I will throw you off this tower!" Chat smiled and laughs when he heard this, "Well, a cat always lands on their feet, M'lady!" Ladybug heart raced when she heard this, "Chat Noir!?" She quickly lowered her hair and pulled him up to her window at the top of the tower. Chat climb through the window and quickly hugged Ladybug when he saw she was alright, "Chat!?" "I thought I lost you and made the biggest mistake of my life!" Ladybug looked at him confused, "what are you taking about?" Chat sat down on a table as he got ready to explain and pointed to himself, "Robin Hood, archery tournament, Chloe was Maid Marian, and I wasn't going win the contest to kiss and propose to her!"

Ladybug stood there laughing as Chat made a face at her, "at least you didn't have a prince come visit you literally everyday! That can't take a hint that I don't want to be his wife, girlfriend, or even friend!" Chat was laughing so much he fell off the table and quickly fell onto her bed. "Are you done?" Chat smiled and sat up from her bed and smiled at her. "My love! My Rapunzel! Please, let down your hair!? I need to see you, Please!?" Ladybug cringed when she heard her "Prince" call out to her and wanted to see her. Chat had a playful smirk and looked out the window and saw the prince, "this is your Prince Charming? His a little too short and skinny to me." Ladybug laughs as Chat made funny of the Prince, "unfortunately, yes, he is my prince." Chat took out his bow and load a arrow into it and aimed it out the window. "Chat!? What are you doing!?" "Do you want get rid of him?" 

Ladybug nodded her head but quickly panicked, "not like that!" Chat shot the arrow and flew towards the prince and landed at his feet. Nathaniel picked up the arrow and saw a note attached to it.

Get lost or I'll make you! She doesn't love you! She is already taken by someone else! 

Nathaniel threw a fit and tried to climb the tower to get to Ladybug, who he truly loves, according to the story. Chat looked down and saw him climbing the tower, "this guy can't take a hint." Ladybug crossed her arms and shook her head, "what did I tell you? He doesn't give up." Chat loaded another arrow and aimed it at the prince as it glowed black and shot it. The arrow hit the bricks above the prince and caused it to come crashing down on top of him as he fell to the ground. "Meow - ouch! He's going to feel that one in the morning!" The Prince sat up as he saw another note was shot towards him and laded next to him.

That was a warning shot! Get lost otherwise I'll make sure I won't miss the next shot!

Chat smiled as the Prince rod off on his horse and left the forest, "I believe you owe me for getting rid of your so call Prince." Ladybug smiled and walked up to him, "What do I owe the great Robin Hood for this rescue?" Chat put his bow away and walked up to her, " a kiss for your knight that rescued you." Ladybug grabbed a pillow and threw at him, "not happening, Chat! Plus, we have to find Storyteller!" Chat sat up from getting hit by the pillow, "I know how he's getting around so fast and how we can never find him. Magic mirrors!" Ladybug looked at him confused, "how are we supposed to used a magic mirror to find him?" Chat walked up to the mirror in the corner of the room, "mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" Ladybug face palm herself when she heard this, "you don't actually think -!" "With hair as dark as night, eyes as blue as bluebells, hidden behind a mask as red as a ladybug's wings.

Ladybug's jaw dropped, "how did you -?" "We're stuck in land full of fairy tales! So, that was bound to happen sooner or later!" Ladybug made a face at him as she walked up to the mirror, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, where is the Storyteller above all." Chat smiled at her, '"you got this mirror thing down." Ladybug poked in his ribs as the mirror got ready to give them their answer. " Where the snow falls, he travels fast, catch him if you can within his walls. Travel North and catch him if you can."

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