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Worry is all i can feel
The quezzy feeling in my stomach is getting worse

Maybe it's fear
The fear of losing someone
Someone you love
Thinking about it makes you want to cry

Crying tears of pain
Maybe tears of happiness once the bad is gone

But you will never forget the feeling
You remember how it made you feel

Sick of waiting
Sick of worry
Sick of the feeling

Time as it ticks it goes slow
As time goes by the worse you feel
It's killing you inside
Waiting for relief

The people around you seem to make time go faster
Someone being there, knowing that they care gives you relief
They tell you everything will be ok
You take the comfort because you need it

It keeps you going
Makes you strong
You believe your ready for everything
Maybe your not
But you always have someone to turn to
An alli

Someone you can trust
They give you faith
Even when you feel alone
Just know you are strong

Not just for you
But for others
You can be strong for others and still feel pain
Sometimes you need help too
But just keep having hope

The thing you can rely on
It keeps you going
Thinking everything will be ok
It helps you breath a little better
Even when you loose hope
You can get back up
The feeling at the end is relief

The feeling you can breath again
Nothing has gone wrong
You can breath
You feel better
No more unwanted feeling
Love is key

The thing you feel at the end of day
At the end love is always there
Cause at the end of the day it is one of the reasons for your happiness

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