Chapter Ten

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Minutes passed, hours passed, days passed and finally their exams ended and everyone was excited and relieved. The boarder where all curious to go home and meet with their families. Every parent was around to come get their kids and take them home for the long summer, the student all exchanged contacts. Emily could not wait to get home and have her phone in her hands even if she knew that it was always too hard for her to go out. She was very happy because she knew she was going to see her big sister, Queen again, she would also be back after her exams in college, unlike her senior brother. She wished Sylvia won't be going for any vacation so she could have her around. They both sat down talking as they waited for their parent to come get them.
"So Sylvia where will you be going this summer?" Emily asked
"No where best friend, just want to be around"
"Really?" she jumped on Sylvia
"hahahah you are happy right? Cos you going to be having me around"
"Of course, going to have someone to chat with" she said as she wore a beautiful smile on her face, "you the best friend any one can have"
"Awww" Sylvia blushed "Love you dear"
"Same too. Can't wait to stop seeing faces that I don't want to see"
"haaa Emily" Sylvia shouted
"Yes, that's true. There was a time his presence brings me happiness but now it brings me sadness and hurts my heart, just can't stand him. Well my love for him is dying little by little and I know it's going to end soon that I won't have any reason to still want him. How I wish I can erase all the memories we both had but it's impossible"
"It's okay best friend. He doesn't worth you. I will try and get him and make him pay for what he did to you"
"Really?.. how you going to do that?" she asked in surprise
"Don't worry just watch"
"ok then, but don't hurt him, like... u know what mean"
"Do you care if I do?" Sylvia asked
"hmm I know am not to care, but I still have a little of him inside of me. It's just as if what I feel for him will never end though it's less" she said looking sad
"It's enough have heard you. So let's talk about how our summer is going to be"
"You know it's always boring for me, but since you around guess I will be able to go out, because mom will let me since it's you"
"Ok then, no problems"
"Hello babes" izzy said as he walked towards them
"Hi izzy" they both chorused
"Am really going to miss you both, especially you Emily, I really have been enjoying your company that I wish you could come join me at my place" they all laughed
"Awww don't worry we will come visit once in a while" Sylvia said
"Oh really? That going to be good and am actually going to need you both contact so that we would be communicating once in a while"
"Oh no problem then" Sylvia took the phone that he handed to her
"you brought your phone to school" Emily said
"Oh yeah 'cos it's the last day and I needed to take your contacts" he said as Emily took the phone from Sylvia . "I cant remember the last four digit in my contact, 4324 or 4342" she said confusingly
"Gosh like seriously?" izzy said as he felt disappointed
"poor you" Sylvia said to her angrily
"shuuu it's not my fault"
"Then whose fault" Sylvia asked
"Babes it's ok" izzy said
"Don't mind her, it's 4324"
"Oh thanks Sylvia" he said as he took the phone from Emily "Have to go now, my friends are waiting" he left as he headed to the north
"What Sylvia? What now?" Emily asked her
"didn't you see his phone" Sylvia said looking surprised "Am not blind, of course I did, so what about it?" Emily asked
"Can't you see it's an iPhone, more over the latest one" Sylvia said
"So...?" she asked with a smirk on her face
"Gosh this girl you are just... I don't just know what to describe you with"
"hmm there is nothing about his phone"
"Whatever, you better don't keep him hanging. He is very rich and he will take care of you" she said laughing
"Sylvia you better don't get started let me be, I don't need any of that for now. Have so many exams ahead of me which I have to prepare"
"I said have heard, but remember opportunity comes once, better forget about Richie and move on, life goes on" Sylvia laughed
"Am going to break your head, are you going crazy, did you forget your brain in your last exam or where? See i..." she stopped as she heard her name. Sylvia kept on laughing all because of the way Emily was acting.
"Huh mom!" Emily said as she saw her mom "You came early, unlike you said"
"Yes baby, the event I was supposed to go today was cancelled. Come here baby, have missed you so much" she hugged Emily
"have missed you too mom, with dad and also big sis"
"She misses you too" she said as she held Emily's face with her hands while emily's hands where on her mom's waist
"Hope she's home because I can't wait to see her"
"Yes she is, but your dad went on a business trip"
"Ok mom, am so happy now"
"Good afternoon ma'am" Sylvia greeted as she walked towards them
"Whoa! Sylvia right?" she asked
"Yes ma'am"
"You're now a big beautiful young lady, come give me a hug" they both hugged each other "How are your parents and siblings?" she asked
"They are all good ma'am" she smiled
"Ok dear, say me well to them"
"Ok ma'am"
"Why don't you join us so that I can drop you off"
"oh no ma'am, my dad will be here soon". she said "ok if you say so...we will be leaving"
"Make sure you message me when you get home" Emily said to her "sure I will byeee" Sylvia waved to her as they drove out of the school
Emily's mom, Mrs. Jennifer was a beautiful woman who had her own personal business,an event planner. Emily took a lot after her mother, she was as beautiful and intelligent just like her mother. If not for the age difference they do be mistaken as sisters because of their way of talking, appearance and attitude, that's why her father loved her more than the way he loved her elder sis, not because she was the little one but becos she was exactly just like the woman he fell in love with, most times he refers to her as his second wife. Emily was so much happy to go home, cos she was finally not going to be seeing the face of the guy that betrayed her and also wished that as she resumed back to school after the summer she would have over came the feelings she had for her.
"Awww my baby" she got back to reality as she heard her mother's voice
"School is really stressing you out" she said with pity as Emily smiled at her
"Don't worry you almost done with school, just study hard and graduate with good grades" she said
"Sure mom I will"
"That's my baby" she said still driving. Emily flowed with the song that was played in the car. Mrs. Jennifer would always play a gospel song whenever she was driving, she was so much in love with the feeling whenever she played it, more over she was a devoted Christian same with her husband and children. Mother and daughter sang the lyrics of the song so well that they both gave harmony and melody to it. Emily still had a cute soprano still intact. Whenever she sang she remembers the finals in RSMC with barry and it makes her smile. Minutes later they both arrived home, Mrs. Jennifer drove in as the gate was opened by a man who was alerted by her car horn.
"Big sis!!" Emily shouted as she came down from the car and ran towards the door, but before she could get there the door was already opened by a damsel who looked just like Emily.
"Aww my baby sis" they both hugged each other
"Have missed you so much"
"Same here baby sis"
"Take those bags inside" Mrs. Jennifer instructed the gate man. "Ok madam" he said as he carried it inside
"Small madam welcome" the maid greeted as they both walked in
"haha alima, how are you?" Emily asked her
"Me is fine small madam, you?" she asked as she kept bending her kneels to the ground and her hands on her thigh
"Am fine too alima" Emily replied back to her, then alima went back to work in the kitchen.
"Alima just wait for me for a while, let me go freshen up so that we can prepare dinner while queen set the dishes" Mrs. Jennifer said
"Ok big madam"
"Just go to your room, arrange all your stuffs, freshen up and then come down for dinner okay?" Queen said to her
"Ok big sister" she said as she saluted her teasingly. She took her back and went upstairs to her room. Her room was still looking like the last time she left the room. She had everything in her room with a particular color, she was so in love with the color red that she hand most things in her room filled with red. The walls was painted with sky blue while there was a little of red designs on it. She had her wardrobe painted red with red and white curtains. Even some stuff hanged on the wall where red, her room was looking fabulous and neat. Immediately she went to her bed side table where she had her drawer, then she opened it and brought out her tablet and a cell phone. The tab was looking new unlike the cell phone. It took a long while before she could get the tab, she would always complain to her parents that she needed a better phone than the one she had, so that she could be able to go on net and research on some stuff, the cell phone was only designed for calls and messages. After the pleading her dad later got her a tab when she was about getting in her 10th grade in high school. Emily sat on her bed which had a red duvet and a bottom sheet, as she tries fixing her phone to get it on. She finally got it on then she drops it on her bedside table, then she went straight to her bathroom to get herself freshen up.
A week and some days since the student vacated from school and Richie haven't still heard from Emily or either got any massage from her through face book. It was becoming too fraught for Richie to forget all about Emily. The feeling he had was the urge to hear her voice again and see her beautiful face. He visited Barry, whose home was never empty no matter what day it could be. He had five of his cousins around for the summer; two were of his age while the rest were below 13years. Barry was fond of the two because they were of his age and they were both born of the same womb and on the same they, in a nutshell they were twins and barry had love for twins, though he sometimes wish they were of the same gender, Leo and Cleo.
They all sat in Barry's room as they discussed about so many things, Cleo was the only girl with them. They all had fun with their chat as they teased one another. Suddenly barry noticed a change in Richie.
"Richie" Barry called
"Yes?" he responded
"Why do you keep staring at your phone, are you expecting anything?" barry asked him curiously
"No am not" he lied
"I also noticed that too, say the truth" cleo said
"Seriously?" Richie asked as he tried to act naïve
"Let the guy be, it's is phone and not yours" leo said
"Of course we know, I just know something isn't right with him, I know him than you do" barry said
"hmmm" Richie sighed
"Ok if you don't want to say it to their hearing, then they can excuse us" barry said
"No no no" Richie snapped "It's nothing really serious okay" Richie said.
"Ok so let it out" Cleo said
"It's Emily, I still haven't still gotten any reply from her on facebook, so now am thinking of calling her" Richie said
"Whoa you really into her" Leo said as he sounded surprised
"It's fraught for me not to"
"Gosh!.. am out" Cleo said as she felt irritated and left the room
"What's wrong with your sis?" barry asked Leo
"Guess she's feeling jealous" leo said smiling
"Jealous about what?" Richie asked surprisingly
"So you haven't noticed that my sister as a crush on you"
"Leonard!" barry shouted "mtcheww" he hissed "do you want to call her?" he asked Richie
"Yeah what if she doesn't pick" Richie asked
"She doesn't have your contact, you only took hers then in school right?" Leo asked
"Yeah that's true, let me try it" he dialed her number. The song he heard from his phone made him remember the times Emily kept humming a particular song all the time. He hummed the song has her phone kept ringing.
"she's not picking"
"Guess she kept it somewhere"
"What song is that?" barry asked
"I also don't know it, but she is always fond of humming it"
"Who is ready for some video games?" Leo said as he raised the two game paid to the air. "You and games uh" Barry said as Richie giggled
"The atmosphere is too emotional" he said
"I don't blame you" Richie said as he went after him out of barry's room. Barry himself couldn't stop laughing
The time was passed one, Emily was still expecting Sylvia and at the same time she was in search of her phone, the one she can only be contacted with. She was becoming frustrated and angry; no one was home for her to dial her number in their phones. Queen was out to visit a friend, Mrs. Jennifer wasn't home for two days, alima went to the market, and she became confused. As soon as she heard the sound of the gate being opened, she looked through the window and noticed it was Sylvia, she became happy and ran to the door.
"Give me your phone" Emily said
"Huh!" Sylvia was shocked because she expected her to be ma at her for coming late
"Are you deaf?" she asked
"No am blind" she said jokingly as she brought out her phone from her bag and gave it to Emily. She heard her phone ringing as she dialed her number on sylvia's phone but she couldn't identify where it was. She called it again and Sylvia was able to identify its location in the living room, she bent down on her knees and put her hand under the couch as she brought out the phone which was still ringing.
"Gosh! How did you get there" she said as she took the phone from Sylvia
"As if it can talk" Sylvia laughed as she found a place to seat
"You better shut up, why are you here by this time?" Emily asked
"Hmm traffic ma"
"liar, if you try this next time I am going to trash your ass" they both laughed
"Where is everyone?" Sylvia asked
"They are all out"
"Including alima?" Sylvia asked
"Yes, she went to get some stuffs at the market" she said as she sat down
"Hmm enjoyment" Sylvia said as she took the remote for the TV and went in search.
"Mtcheww" Emily hissed "hmmm I missed a call"
"From whom?" Sylvia asked
"I don't know, it's not saved on my phone. Well let me give it a flash, he or she might call back". She cut the call immediately as she noticed it rang for a little while. "So how have you being? Haven't you gotten any call from Michael?" Emily asked Sylvia as she drops her phone close to her hips.
"That berk?" Sylvia asked in disgust
"Haaa! Sylvia don't use that on him. As far as I am concerned he did nothing to you. You should be lucky to have such a guy like Michael stop being gawky and unfair" she said angrily
"Well that's not my business, I care less about is calls or anything that have to do with him"
"You are cruel" Emily said bitterly
"Best friend I careless, what about you and Richie?" she asked
"Well I haven't and I don't want to" she said, suddenly she felt her phone vibrating, she picked it and then she recognized it was that same number which she had dialed. "Hello" they both chorused together
"Please this number called me earlier today, who am I unto?" Emily asked as she looked puzzled
"Am I unto Emily?" Richie asked as he tries to confirm.
"Yes of course and who are you?" she asked as she tries to confirm her curiosity because the voice was sounding like that of Richie
"Please when you get to know who I am don't hang up" he pleaded
"Uh... ok I won't"
"Emily it's I, Richie". All of a sudden she felt a sensation in her body at the sound of his name. She felt her heart sank and butterflies in her stomach. It felt like fear but it wasn't. "Please don't hang up Emily, I sent you a message on face book but you failed to reply. I became so worried that I couldn't stop myself from calling you" he paused as he waited for her to reply but she said nothing "Emily say something"
"The last time we spoke, I clearly still remembered that I gave you a warning to stay away from me Richie. Is that too had for you to do?" Emily asked as she sounded angry
"Of course it is, can't you see it's very hard Emily"
"Do you know what, let's just end this call"
"hmmm Emily"
"Or should I hand up??... why do I need to ask you before I do that"
"No wait... before you hang up I just want to tell you to give me a reply on facebook okay" she hanged up immediately he was done
"Like seriously, Richie called?" ssylvia asked her
"When I finally thought it was over, that's when it gets worsen. Can't he just let me be, he should go for her since she's more better than I am. Imagine he still had the mouth to talk. He should keep his puckish attitude to himself. I don't need him anymore" she said angrily, almost in tears but she just couldn't let it drop.
"It's ok Emily, don't just listen to whatever he says. Just try all you can to avoid him okay?" Sylvia said as she pets Emily
"Sure I will"
"Good afternoon small madam and small madam friend" alima said as she came in
"Ha! Alima how are you?" Sylvia responded
"Me is fine o, long times" she said
"Yeah" she said smiling
"Just drop them in the kitchen, aunt queen will come in soon" Emily said
"Ok small madam" she said as she went straight to the kitchen
"Just don't let whatever he says bother you okay? Am going to call him and tell him to let you be, it's ok by you right?" Sylvia asked
"Yeah do" she responded as Sylvia went back to where she sat. "So tell me about izzy?" Sylvia asked as she winked at her
"That's what you actually like" Emily laughed
"Gist me" Sylvia said
"Nothing serious. He often calls me and sends me text massages every morning and at night" she said with a smile
"Whoa! So romantic" she said as she twisted her body
"Uh!" she smirked "He even asked me to go on a date with him next weekend"
"Seriously?" Sylvia asked with shock
"Do I look like am joking?" Emily asked, not smiling
"Don't tell me you said no" Sylvia said
"No I didn't, and I didn't say yes either. I just told him I was going to think about it. You know I hardly do go out so am not too sure it's going to be possible"
"Of course it's going to be possible. Just tell your mom and sis you want to come visit me"
"Bad girl" Emily said
"Ha! Am not, just wanted to help"
"Help indeed" she laughed. "You just have to tell them before then"
"Yeah sure" she paused for a while "though he is stylishly asking me to be his girlfriend, but am not going to say yes to him if he eventually do"
"Imagine, you very lucky to see a cute and rich guy like izzy and you want him to walk away just like that"
"I don't care about his money. All I want is to graduate out of school with good grades and make mom and dad proud. I got policy"
"And who told you that can't be possible if you date him, you just keep behaving naïve and coy" she said and hissed
"It's never going to be Sylvia. More over how am too sure that all what he says to me about his feelings are actually true. Unfortunately I feel nothing for him or will want to make myself ready for it"
"You are just too adamant"
"That's just the truth Sylvia. It's even good now that you are not in a relationship. Just let all of that wait"
"You are kidding me" Sylvia laughed out loud "My next boy friend is going to course a shock on you" she said
"SYLVIA!" Emily shouted
"What ?"
"I really don't know what you see in that though"
"hahaha Emily" Sylvia laughed as she took the remote and operated the TV as she cared less about looking at Emily who was still staring at her with her mouth opened. No matter how diabolic are best friend could be she still loved her, no matter their differences. Though Sylvia wasn't the way she was when Emily first met her, she developed some changes suddenly, but she was still that same sweetheart Emily always had, her only close pal both in school and at home.
It was already evening and Sylvia was getting her things to leave, Emily wished she wouldn't go though, her sis wasn't back yet. She saw Sylvia off to the gate. Sylvia took a cap home. As she sat in the cap she was bettered, though she had no clue why she was but she could feel the sensation of bitterness in her. All she had in mind was to get home and get through Richie; she had his number saved in her phone since the very first day he called her. She was just too keen to dial his digit and put a call through him. In 15minutes time she was home. She went straight to her room and sat on her bed as she brought out her phone from her bag, then she went his search of his name and dialed it.
"Hello" she said as it started reading
"Hi Sylvia how are you" Richie said
"Am good, how was your day?" she asked
"Was fun, just got back from barry's place, and you?"
"Same too, was with Emily"
"Oh really, hope she is doing okay?" he asked
"No she isn't"
"Why?" he asked
"You get her bad whenever she hears from you, just let her be. Are you too blind to see that she doesn't want you? You just keep making things hard for her. Tell me what's in her that you just can't let go, is it beauty? is it stature? I have all of that, just mention" Sylvia said in anger
"What do you mean by this Sylvia, you know...."
"Are you asking me what I mean?" she said as she cuts in "I want you Richie" she said as she hits her right hand on her chest
"WTF! Are you kidding me, stop making things worst"
"Can't you see I love you, why do you keep going after a girl that will never say yes to you, that will never want you, when you have someone like me Richie?"
"Sylvia I think you are going nut, you are not in your right senses. Just hang up now and never call me back" he said angrily
"I won't Richie, and if you dare hang up on me am going to make you regret it"
"Is that a threat or what?" Richie asked
"You can call it whatever you want to call it. You either come to me now or you forever regret your actions"
"Mtcheww" he hissed and hanged up
"Richie, Richie.... How dare you Richie" she said in anger as she threw her phone on the bed. With in some seconds her phone rang. She looks and the number but it wasn't looking familiar to her
"Hello Sylvia this is izzy"
"Whoa! Hello izzy"
"Hope you are good?"
"Sure I am and you??"
"Not too good though"
"Why dear?" Sylvia asked
"If you can do this favor for me I will be good" he said
"And what can that be?" she asked
"Well it's always about your best friend, I asked her on a date with me but it's still under probability"
"You just don't need to worry about that, we both just concluded on how it is going to work out"
"Whoa! Thanks"
"You welcome, but you have to do one thing, just make sure she says yes to you on that very day"
"Of course Sylvia, that's my main purpose for the date" izzy said
"Ok that's cool"
"Yeah... got to go now will call you later, take care okay?"
"Yeah I will and you too" she said to him as he hanged up. She threw her phone on the bed and laid down flat on her bed with her back facing the sealing as she went into thought.

#What do you really think about Sylvia?
#Do u think she is capable of hurting a fly?
# Would Richie give into Sylvia?
#Thanks plz comment.

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