It's Just Insanity (Koova)

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A/N: Okay, let me get something clear okay? Monica is an amazing woman, and Jordan and her deserve the world. She deserves a medal just for being able to put up with that man. I DONT HATE MONICA. She is perfect okay? Okay. Now that you understand, prepare for your heart to be ripped to shreds.... ENJOY MY FIRST ANGST EVER!


It's been three years. Three years this has been going on and Jordan needed it to stop. The weight baring on his shoulders knowing what he was doing behind Monica's back made him clench his hands tighter on his steering wheel. It was him and Monica in the car, they were heading to the local restaurant to 'discuss' something. Monica didn't know what Jordan was doing, and Jordan couldn't stand it.

"Jordan? Are you okay?" His wife asked him noticing his tense hands.

He nodded his head. "I'm fine Monica, just thinking about some things."

"Oh, alri- JORDAN!" She shrilled.

Jordan turned to look out his window, a car heading straight for the couple. "I love you." Jordan managed to get out as he tried to turn the steering wheel, jerking it to evade the blow of the larger SUV. He got no reply, but he knew she loved him, it didn't matter anyways.

Jordan's efforts however were not enough, the car rammed into Jordan's side he felt instant pain hit his head. The magnitude from the blow caused his body to shut down so it could try to heal itself, and he passed out right there.

The car kept going however, it hit a guardrail causing the vehicle to flip over. Landing on Monica's side. Her head collided with the ground at great force and immediately started making a pool of blood, her head skid against the ground as the car still moved sideways.

A noise of frantic screams were heard among this mess.




Soon a flash of blue and red appeared at the scene medical personnel, two cops, and the fire department came to their rescue. But, it was too late for one of them.


"Haha, asshole I'm innocent!" James yelled at Kevin and Aleks as they made their wild accusations about James being a Traitor in their current gameplay.

James' phone lit up the slightly dim room and James paused his recording to pick it up.

"Guys I'll be right back." He told the two happy men.

James should've been happy too. If not for what he heard on the other end of the phone. His heart immediately dropped.

"James R. Wilson? Jordan and Monica Mathewson were in a car crash at 3:46 pm. Mr. Mathewson is in ICU at Upstate University Hospital. You were listed as an emergency contact." the woman spoke into his ear, but after the first sentence James wanted to throw his phone, he wanted to scream at everyone. He noticed however, she only mentioned Jordan, and as if possible, his heart sank even lower.

"What....what about Monica? Is she okay?" James questioned into the phone, his voice wavering.

"Mr. Wilson, Monica has been pronounced dead at the scene." She replied. The tone of her voice was enough to piss of James. She sounded so kind, but most of all, fake, and James hated it.

"Thank you.... who can...visit... Jordan?" He questioned, figuring only close family was allowed to see him.

"Well, it's only you Mr. Wilson, he doesn't have any other contacts than you." She responded.

James let out a faint, "Thank you." Before hanging up the device and slipping it back into his pocket.


James took a bus to the hospital, he didn't trust himself driving. He couldn't think straight in the first place. His mind was racing between worrying about Jordan and his condition, to worrying about Monica and her family and how Jordan, oh god, how Jordan would react when he found out.

He also thought about what kind of injuries Jordan went through, and if he would be okay or not. He didn't want to think about what he would do if Jordan left him, sure, their love was tainted, but, he at least still felt something about it.


When James arrived to the ICU he couldn't stand to go into Jordan's room. He walked inside the glass door to see Jordan hooked up to all kinds of machines.

James clasped his hand over his mouth, keeping himself from crying right there. His eyes watered up, he watched as the blood flowed into his lifeless looking body, a machine pumped oxygen into his body.

James sat down next to Jordan in a chair. He observed the younger man. His hair disheveled, some of it shaven in bits. A large bandage wrapped around it. His left arm and shoulder were also wrapped up in multiple materials.

James leaned over to grab Jordan's limp hand in his. He knew Jordan was comatose but he didn't care. Instead he went along to tell a story to him.

"Hey fucker." His eyes filled up with water every time he looked up at him.

"Remember when you and I-" James trailed off his speech for a moment. He remembered this story very well, and recalled it quickly in his mind.


"James!" An excited Jordan exclaimed. He jumped on top of James who was lying on the bed in their motel room.

"Dammit Hordan, calm down." James smiled down to his lover. He was looking up at James, hat and all. James loved the sight if the taller man, especially when he tried to act childish around him.

"But Jaaames!" Jordan pouted extending the 'a' in the other mans name.

James laughed at the child like man. He pulled him up in a hug. "Fine, you wanna get Ice Cream now you fucker, let's go!"

"Yes! Thank you James!" He smiled at the taller man as they both got off the bed. Jordan grabbed James' hand as they exited their motel room.

They went down the elevator hand in hand, James smiled contently. He loved to be around this wild cat, a 3 year old in a mans body. It brought back their childhoods that they rather not remember, but it brought them back, in a sweet way.

They walked to the ice cream place.

~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~

"-you were so happy for that goddamn Ice Cream you know that...." James smiled faintly, but it was soon replaced with his cell phone going off. He looked at the caller ID.



"Hey?" James spoke first his voice quavered slightly, though he tried to keep it steady.

"Hey James... I was wondering.... hey, are you okay?" Seamus noticed his tone and tried to console his friend.

"Seamus.... Upstate Hospital.. ICU, room G27 just... come...please...Ill explain it all." The watering in his eyes had started to pool again. Making it hard for him to see.


It wasn't long until Seamus arrived that he actually cried. Seamus entered the room, immediate shock upon his facial features. He looked over to see James standing in the corner staring at him, his eyes broken, his heart shattered.

"James." He moved swiftly to the corner and pulled James into a hug and the both of them started to weep.

"Monica...." James trailed on.

"You want me to get her? Where is she buddy?" Seamus ask softly.

"She can't come here..."

Seamus looked at the man in confusion. "What do you mean James. What happened to Monica?"

"She's dead... and so is their unborn child."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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