Chapter Four - A Shocking Truth

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Their sixth year at Hogwarts somehow proved to be more challenging than their last year, O.W.L year. The essays were harder, longer and more straining to complete with seemingly impossible deadlines. This year, they had to use non-verbal spells and Lena somewhat struggled with this. She could do it with a few spells but not all. However, they had to use non-verbal spells in each of their classes. In fact, it was a relief to escape to go to Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid and Muggle Studies where her wand was not needed as much. Herbology did not much need her wand either but because she had to deal with even deadlier plants, it was not a class she enjoyed. She and Marcus stayed up well into the night, finishing essays and practising non-verbal spells. Marcus was quite accomplished at it and he would encourage her. Joshua also appreciated this help as he too struggled. The three of them would try to find an empty classroom to practice in. Professor Flitwick allowed them to use his classroom at breaktimes which was handy.

"How is it going?" Hagrid asked Lena as she and her other classmates sketched the unicorn mother and foal at the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. Lena showed her sketch.

"I'm struggling to get the colour of the foal right... It's just such a beautiful colour."

"Yeh it is, but I weren't on about tha."

"Oh. What are you talking about then?" Marcus, who also took Care of Magical Creatures, looked up at Hagrid as well.

"I were wonderin' about how is it going in general," Hagrid replied. His twinkly eyes had a sympathetic look in it. Lena sighed softly.

"It's still hard. I just can't wait to see Nathan again."

"I can't lie. It won get easier. Not really. But you're a tough one. You'll be alright." Hagrid patted her on the shoulder and moved on.

During Lena's third week, at breakfast, she finally got her first letter from Ginny.

Dear Lena,

I hope your sixth year is going well so far. We have been quite busy here at home. However, Nathan is doing well. He's growing up so quickly! He misses you lots.

Harry is always at the Ministry currently which is probably why it's been so busy. They're very busy currently, as you'll probably find out today. I can't say much but keep your chin up and don't let anything get you down.

Will you be staying here for Christmas?It's going to be a quieter affair this year. If you would like, your friends can stay for the Christmas holidays? I'm sure their parents would like them for Christmas Day but we can have a week with them if you would like. If your friends do say yes, please let me know and I'll contact their parents to ask if this is okay.

Remember to meet up with your Uncle Percy to discuss the end of the month problem.

Love Aunt Ginny xxx

Lena scribbled a reply while Chico, who had grown considerably since he had been bought, waited patiently. Lena then attached the reply and watched Chico fly off again. Marcus, meanwhile, had got the Daily Prophet newspaper. He unfolded the papers and gasped. Lena peered over his shoulder.


The Doyle family have officially been declared missing after a week of investigations. The Ministry of Magic Auror department released the following statement informing the wizarding world. 'The Doyle family have been missing for a week now and we have exhausted resources to find them. We beg of the wizarding world to please come forward with any information.' An insider within the Ministry of Magic itself has informed us at the Daily Prophet that the Ministry of Magic believe this is another kidnapping of half-breeds and muggle-borns to join the twenty-six families already missing over the past eighteen years. Famously and well-known names include: the Brockhurst family, the Peterson family, the Chon family, the Lupin/Weasley family, the Garland family and the Phelps family along with many more. Not to mention that the Ministry of Magic has also started to link the kidnappings of these families to the murders of individuals and families across the United Kingdom. The bodies of these murdered families and individuals have been found, however, unlike the missing. Whatever is happening, panic and fear are arising once more across the country.

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