Don't Accept The Job

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Y/n-your name
Sèan-if you don't,you don't watch Mark and Jack cuz that's Jack's real name.

Y/n POV~
Mark has been my friend since we were kids and now....he's my boyfriend.Sèan has also been my friend since we were kids.I love Sèan like the older brother I never had.Sèan is like the brother I never had because I never had an older brother growing up until I met him.Sèan -i think- has a crush on me.

Time Skip~

I wanna go over to Mark's house right now and tell him I was accepted into the job in Ireland.I pack my stuff and start heading over there.

Time Skip~

Im at Mark's house and I NEED to ring the door bell but I just can't handle the though of leaving Mark here to go and live with Sèan until I am able to see live with MY boyfriend.*rings the door bell*"Y/n!"Mark says in excitement and pulled me into a hug."Mark!........I need to tell you something."I say."What is it,"Mark says in a scared and concerned voice."I got the job......So.....I need to go live with Sèan."I say and put my head down."Oh....Okay!I'll still be able to talk to you,and you'll send me pictures everyday of how you still look.Ill do the same!"Mark says happily."Your right!"I say.I kiss him and he kisses back.We hug for a minute and then get my stuff.As I'm running off,Mark says,"I Love You!"I say the same.I head home,get my stuff,and head to the airport.

Time Skip~

I arrive in Ireland and see Sèan waiting for me.I run up and hug him.He hugs back.We chat a bit and then get into the car.We head to Sèan's house and I get unpacked.We chat a bit more.He finally started to make dinner,and I help him.We eat and chat a bit more than usual.I finally finish eating and I head to my room.I hop on my phone send Mark a picture.He sends me one back and I say"HOT AS DA SUN!!!!!"and she says"that's you,not me."I hop off my phone and head to get a shower without realizing that all my stuff for the shower is on Sèan's shower still.I came her over a month ago and I stole his shower.I run downstairs to get my shampoo and conditioner-because I already have my body wash in my shower-but realize that Sèan is in the shower.I cover my eyes-because he has a glass shower-and he throws out my stuff."Thanks,"I say and walk back to my shower.I hop in....

Mark's POV~

Y/n got accepted to her job in Ireland and that means I can't see here all that often unless she sends me a photo everyday.....AND THATS WHAT I SAID TO DO!!!!F^°k!!!I said I would do the same.I go to get something to eat as my phone goes off."It's a message from Sèan and Y/n,"I wisper to myself.I look at Y/n's text and she just said that she loves me.So I tell her I love her,too.Then I look at Sèan's text telling me to get some cloths for Y/n when she comes to visit at the times she can.He also said that he would NOT touch Y/n because she was mine.I just responded with "Okay.........YOU BETTER NOT OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!!"He responded right away saying that he wont because he didn't want me to hurt him.Im stronger than him and Y/n loves me snuggling her in my arms.I love her and she loves me.Sèan I like a big brother to her and she doesn't like him like that......Does she???Brush it off.Its just a hunch.I finally go and eat something because I haven't eaten all day.

I'm sorry it sucked but it was my first time.Let me know how you like it and if I should make a new one.I could add on to this one everyday,or I could make a Xreader of Mark and Sèan everyday.And,do you want me to call him Jack or use his real name,Sèan??Let me know...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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