The Mechanic

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"Chryso! I-I think we're almost there!" Jasper pointed to a location on the screen, calling out to her brother. It was nearly a year later, and the twins were now sixteen.

Chryso nodded, turning his attention to the screen as well. "We should be able to get this thing fixed up in no time," he said cheerfully as he gently patted the arm of his chair.

Not long ago, their ship had been hit by a rouge asteroid. Nothing too damaging, but enough to cause problems in the future. Jasper had developed the power to see into the future. She was able to name many terrible things that may happen if it isn't fixed.

After a while, they made it to their destination. The ship had landed on a dark-looking planet that seemed trashy and unfriendly.

Jasper and Chryso really had no choice, however, as it was the only place in a few galaxies that could repair a ship. The ship landed in an empty area, surrounded by trash, junk, and mechanical parts. The only clean-ish areas were filled with busy people pushing past each other.

The people didn't seem to notice the two as they joined the crowd. "Where exactly do we need to go?" Jasper looked around them to look for the building.

Chryso lifted his scarf over his nose. "I think we just follow the crowd?" He didn't have a very good sense in direction, but it was the best option they had.

"Chryso? Do you think it's that building over there?" Jasper pointed a few ways down to a small building labeled K's Mechanics.

Chryso nodded. "I think so," he took his sisters hand and dragged her through the crowd. Jasper apologized to everyone Chryso had run them into.

A few minutes and a lot of frustrated people later, they made it to the front of the shop. As the rest of the planet, it was trashy and sketchy looking. The twins shrugged it off and opened the door. A bell rang, signifying their entry.

The inside was just as small as the outside. The ship wasn't very busy, either. The only entity in the room besides the twins was a blue-skinned boy around the age thirteen or fourteen reading a magazine at the counter.

The boy looked up at them and quietly said, "H-hi welcome to my brothers s-Store... how may I help you...?" His words became quite at the end, but they were still heard.

"Oh yeah! Me and Chryso need-" Jasper's sudden outburst surprised the young boy, and he cut her off.

"I'll just get Kyren..."

The blue boy went through a door that neither of them noticed. About a minute later, someone walked out in his place.

"Yes, how may I help you?" The slightly older boy didn't look up at them, and was instead focusing on a piece of paper. He was writing something down.

Chryso began to reach into his pouch to get the right amount of money. "Yeah our ship was hit by a meteor. Any chance you can fix it?"

"Mhm... that'll be-" It was then the boy looked up from his paper. He just stared at Jasper and Chryso like they had two heads. In this case, eyes.

Everyone on the planet seemed to have one thing in common: they all had three or more eyes. The twins however, had two.

"I'm gonna guess you're not from around here?" He gave them a smug look as they shook their heads.

"Well then. I have the right to refuse service," the alien lit a cigarette and crossed his arms. "We're closed."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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