Naruto and the adolescents Hinata and Naruto

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Hey!! New chapter!

Naruto's POV

"Great...." I rolled my eyes as my eyes wandered the place before me "I'm not home yet"

I examine my surroundings and noticed this time Kakashi-sensei's face was there at the Hokage's faces mountain.

"Well at least I'm progressing" I sighed in relief. The posibility of going back home didn't seem as crazy now.

I walked through the streets of the village looking for something to eat. I'm starving! (T^T)

Of course my feet brought me to my favorite restaurant. Ichiraku's ramen!

Without thinking it twice I went in.

"Welcome. How can I help you?" Said the old man Teuchi.

"I would like a miso Ramen'ttebayo!" I said excitedly ready to taste a piece of heaven.

"Come right up" announced Teuchi.

I felt someone coming in.

"Welcome" said Teuchi

"Hi Teuchi-san...ano..I would like a miso ramen please" Said a sweet voice

"Alright Hinata"

Surprised. I turned my head to the side finding Hinata.

Her ninja clothes were of color lavander similar to her eyes and her silky hair was long. I'm guessing she's 18 or 19.

'I wonder if she'll recognize me' I thought

Hinata looked at me and her eyes widened in surprise. Is that good or bad sign?

"Excuse me...."

"What is it?" I said trying to sound smooth.

"Do we know each other?..." she asked.

"I doubt it'ttebayo" I answered.

"I see....I might have confused you with someone else....I'm sorry.." She apologized as she smiled in embarrassement.

'She was so beautiful when she was 18 ♡' I though happily  'although in my time she is even more beautiful!....who am I kidding? Hinata is beautiful no matter how old she is! I thought chukling a little at my own thoughts.

"A Miso ramen'ttebayo!" We heard someone calling from behind.

It was Naturo. Well it was me but not me.

"Sure Naruto" Said Teuchi then as he placed my order and Hinata's in front of us.

"Ok'ttebayo"  said my 18 years old me as he took a sit next to Hinata "Oh! Hi Hinata" he greeted her.

"Hi Naruto-kun"

I guess Hinata and I are not a couple yet.

A cheeky smile spread across my face. I'm gonna have fun messing with these two.

"Excuse me miss" I said to Hinata who turned around to look at me.

"Do you need something?" She asked kindly.

"Are you two a couple?"

She instantly blushed as my words reached her ear.

"N-no" she replied.

"...I doubt that's ever gonna happen...." I heard her mumble. Which made me my heart ache.

"Then that's good! Because I'd love if  you could  go out with me"

She blushed and my other me almost choke with his ramen


"Is it because am older? (T^T) am I too old?" I said making a sad expression.

" N-no it not that....its just..."

"Am I not attractive?" I asked.

"Of course y-you are are really handsome!" She added.

"Thank you you are really sweet" I smiled "so what do you say?"


"I'm sorry but she is going to go out with me!" said my young me interrupting Hinata

I internally laughed.

"Is that true?" I asked Hinata.


"Of course is true'ttebayo! And for you information Hinata would never go out with someone like you!" He shouted.

"Someone like me? Who do you think you are talking to? are not even strong enough to make me sweat'ttebayo" I said with an arrogant tone.

"Wanna try!?"

"My pleasure!" I shouted as both of us standed up from our chairs

"Please....stop.." said Hinata standing in the middle of us

"Just because she asks just for it.." I said rolling my eyes. I better not pick a fight with my young self.

Naturo did the same thing and Hinata sighed in relief

We returned back to our seats to keep eating our ramen.

"Are you sure you two are not a couple?" I asked again I could see how both of them almost choke with their ramens.

"P-please don't say that....I can assure you that Naruto-kun and I are just friends"
Said an embarrassed Hinata but from the corner of my eyes I could see my young self make a sad face.

"Well that guy doesn't look like he wants only a friendship with you" I added looking at Naruto blushing.

"S-shut up you old man!" He said in embarrassment

I sighed.

"Both of you are idiots" I said "Its obvious that both of you love each other" I added and walked away leaving the two of them blushing in a deep shade of red.

'I should go now' I thought as I disappeared

Third person's POV

"Crazy old man!" Said the blonde boy with an angry tone "Hinata do not pay attention to him'ttebayo"

"Y-yes...but don't you think he looks a little bit like you?"

"Nope! He's oold. I don't look like him at all'ttebayo!" He rolled his eyes "say Hinata....did you like him..?"

"D-don't say that Naruto-kun..." She said covering her face with her hands.

"That's a yes" He said with a upset expression, "What does he have that I don't? I'm a lot better than him!...Right Hinata?" He said facing the Hyuga

"Naruto-kun...Are you jealous?"

The blonde ramen boy blushed as he tightly closed his fists in frustration

"Yes! I get mad when I see you talking to another guys who are not me! He admitted.

Hinata's eyes were full of surprise

"What a nice confession, Naruto" Said Teuchi who has been listening to their conversation.


After a couple of seconds of Naruto thinking about Teuchi'words. He blushed.


"D-dont look at me Hinata!" Said Naruto covering his embarrassed face with his hands.

Hinata giggled.

She thought he looked really cute.

'I hate you weird old man!!!' yelled the blonde boy in his mind.


Thank you for reading! <3

Next chapter will be out soon ;)

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