~Faiths pov~
Start"HEY FAITH IM GOING OUT ON A DATE JACKS WATCHING YOU UNTILL I GET HOME OKAY" my dad screamed I was completely okay with him going out
After all it had been 14 years since my mother died giving birth to me and my twin brother jack Robert Avery my name was Faith Ann Avery jack had been born first about 5 minuets only then out came me
We both had no issues we were perfect according to the doctors but my mom had a really hard birth and sadly caused her to pass away. I've never meet her but I knew I would of loved her by all the things my dad told me about her
"OKAY DAD HAVE FUN BUT NO TO MUCH FUN JACKS ENOUGH FOR ME TO HANDLE" I screamed back down to my dad from my room I heard him laugh then I heard he door shut
About 20 minuets later jack ran into my room and said "hey sis is it cool I head out for a few I want to meet up with some friends" jack was the best brother ever he always protected me I was so thankful for him me and jack never had many friends and when we did
We shared them because you can't have in of us without the other we were inseparable ever since birth he honestly treats my like I'm his daughter always telling me what to era who I can and can't date
But I love him and he always did bings for me so I had no problem letting him sneak out "of course bro but dad never said when he be home so don't be to long Okay" I said smiling at jack
"Yeah I only be a about and hour or not even but love ya sis see ya soon" he said waking out "LOVE YOU MORE JAKYYYY" I screamed so he could hear me I heard him yell right before he shut the front door "THATS A LIE FAITHERSSS"
Me and jack had given each other those nicknames about 3 years old I always called him jakyyyyyy while I extended the y's and he has called me faithersssss extending the s's it was our thing we would get mad when any one else called us that
Because they had been out special nicknames for each other yeah yeah we're bro and sis goals I hear that enough
About 1 hour later I heard the front door slam open thinking it was jack I walked out of my room so I could see the bottom of the steps while I yelled "Hey jakyyyy have fu" I cut my self off
Because who ever was at the bottom of my steps want jack or my dad no this guy was huge I mean huge he seen me at the top of the steps and immediately came running for me I ran into my room and slammed the door trying to lock it
But then quickly remembered I have no lock so I ran into the closet now praying he wouldn't Fine me and I haven't he had a phone to call the police my dad wouldn't buy me or jack one for god knows why
After 10 minuets the man found me and he pulled me out of the closet while snatching my clothes of I begin to brake down into tears while he entered me I couldnt say a word I felt so much pain that I know I shouldn't have he was so rough he didn't even care
After 30 minuets he yelled at me to go take a shower I was so afraid I did as he told I knew why he wanted me to so their was no evidence he was ever around me but I knew he was and thinking about it made me want to die
I just kept repeating in my head "where's jack where's my dad this can't be happening i was just raped how it happened so fast who was he" I started the shower and immediately jumped in it
Rubbing my body harshly trying to rub off his touch I hated it I wanted to die right there and then.
When I was done the man was still in my room going through everything I was about to walk in my room but I seen him in there and started crying while saying "why me please leave now please" he looked me in they eyes

His twin
Fanfiction**PLEASE NOTE THIS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL OKAY I ONLY CHOSE TO USE JACKS REAL SISTER AVA SO THEY LOOKED ALIKE OKAY BHAIII" Faith is jack Avery's little sister faith and jack were so close you both hadn't had any other siblings their mom died while gi...