A message to all who need it: aftermath

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Everyone: Damn Haru! Back at it again with the deep shit!

Me: do I look like I give a frickle-frackle?

Hey friends, it's Haruka and I'm here to talk about ( drumroll please )
* drumroll *
* jazz hands *

My " message to all of you who need it" chapter I posted back in book 2!

No, but seriously I'm here to just talk about what I like about that chapter and how you guys reacted and all that. Also, sorry for the sob story that I put with it ( not trying to dismiss anyone who those words apply to).

So let's get started shall we?

Things that I liked:

1. How you guys reacted to it, basically how you guys were very kind and didn't screw me over for posting such a deep chapter when it's supposed to be a humorous book.
2. How you guys were so mature about it and didn't disrespect or disregard anyone who is going through this stuff.
3. And how I tried to speak from the heart, and didn't crash and burn like I usually do.
4. I wasn't asked to take it down, in fact people were begging me to keep it up.

What I think could have been different:
What I thought could have gone differently with it, was how I worded some things. I think I could have worded things better In some sentences. I also think I could have been more sincere about my message I was trying to get across.

What I appreciate from you peeps:
I'm gonna be a broken record and just say again that you guys were super respectful towards those who needed that message. I could have never asked for a better group of readers/followers because of you guys being the way you guys are.

You guys are all perfect in my eyes, perfectly flawed like me.
And it's something you shouldn't be ashamed of.
I love you all, and I haven't even met any of you. ( except 4 of you guys, you know who you are )
And sometimes you guys piss me off, but I still love you all.
And no its not just because you actually take time out of your day to "read" my book and brag about me to your friends ( although I do appreciate it ), it's mostly cause I love making you all happy ( I'm a little pushover when it comes to you peeps ).
And although I'm sure you've heard it before, but I do truly care about each and every one of you.
You're all part of my fam, and I love that. Just thought I'd let you know.

Anywhozies, I know I've updated twice and haven't provided da memages. Don't worry, I'll get there on Saturday. Till then, just put up with me and my random weekly updates of weird things I want to put In here.

Sayonara my lovelies,
Haruka Tsukiko

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