OK so I have been brain storming about books well what OK this is what I want to do I will make a short stories book I have 2 short stories already one I call dimensions OK so this is a adventure time, Steven universe and gravity falls mix with some OCs I made also there is bill the truth basically this one is going to be about bill cipher also known as my spirit animal *wears a Gucci gang sweater *what it's cold also there will be fantastic inspired short stories by the lovely ladies of wattpad I say this because I only know one male on wattpad which is this guy DicksonAwosanya my best friend he is black like me but no one cares OK and finally read my randomness of me book there is a video I want you to watch tag time Hide_my_angel__xxBrokenxx__lopSnowflake-_$IIGrilledchickenIIok I'm tired plus tell Ppl to read this place good bye