Autre tag😂

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I was tagged (I don't know if it's a good spelling, sorry😅) by MinkyStarlight ! Thank you girl!

1. If you could have any super power what would it be? / Si tu avais n'importe quel super pouvoir ce serait lequel?
Probably read in throughs, I'm fucking psycho!😂/ Probablement lire dans les pensées, je suis une putain de psychopathe!😂

2. What is your top 3 favorite cartoon shows?/ Ton top 3 de tes préférés dessins animés?
1/ Super4!
2/ Kaeloo (a cartoon French, I don't know if it is translated)
3/ Les fous du kung-fu (It's cartoon from Canada, I guess, I don't know anymore! XD)

3. Do you have any crush on a fictional character and which one?/ As-tu un crush pour un personnage fictif et lequel?
Euh... yes? Karma from assassination classroom and Gene😂 / Euh... oui? Karma de assassination classroom et Gene😂

4. What was your favorite show as a little kid?/ Ton spectacle préféré de quand tu étais enfant?
Euh... I didn't have a favorite show.😅/ Je n'avais pas de spectacle préféré.

5. Tell 3 words that can describe you. / Donne 3 mots qui peuvent te décrire.
Tall, shy and very anxious! / Grande, timide et très anxieuse!

6. What your favorite 10 ships?/ Quels sont tes 10 ships préférés?
1/ Alene (Alex x Gene from Super4)
2/ Rubinkle (Ruby x Twinkle from super4)
3/ Kaeloo x M.Chat from Kaeloo
4/ Coin coin x Ugly from Kaeloo (yes her name is ugly😂)
5/ Amu x Tadase from Shugo Chara
6/ Karasuma x Irina Poufanovitch from Assassination classroom
7/ Geneby (Gene x Ruby from super4)
8/ Karma x Nagisa from assassination classroom
9/ Genemilie or emiliegne!😂 (me x Gene😂)
10/ Rubex (Ruby x Alex from super4)

7. Do you have a pet peeve?/ As tu une bête noire?
Yes, chemical Physics. Bye bye Gene😢😂 /Oui, la science physique.

8. What is your favorite story on wattpad?/ Ton histoire préférée sur wattpad?
Seriously?! Emh... every stories by rainbow8zoe ,MargauxGARIESANTOCIL  , Mira-sama000 and a lot of others stories!😄 / Sérieusement?! Bah...*celles que j'ai citée en haut* et encore plein d'autres.

Allez ciao ciao!

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