Sophia got texted by a fanaccount of Why Don't we but didn't expect that the owner was Zach Herron❤️
(I need to rewrite the first chapters but I'm a little bit lazy so I will do it later.)
Pov Sophia Zach texted me the next day. Zach: Hii! I'm so sorry for not coming and not texting you! Me: Yeah! What were you thinking? I hope you have a good explenation! Zach: I have, but I can't say it... Me: I'm tired of your bullshit! Zach: I know... I fucked up! Me: Yes! I never want to talk to you again! Zach: Noo Sophia please! Give me a second chance! Me: Why would I?? Zach: Because I'm in love with you! Me: That's a good one! Zach: I'm serious! Me: How can you know that?? You never saw me! Zach: I did see you Me: When? Zach: At the show Me: It's enough Zach: Please Sophia... *Read* Zach: If you want to see mee, come next week on monday to the cinema. *Read* I didn't know what to do anymore. He really broke my heard. I decided to text Lucy. Me: Hii! Lucy: Hii sweety how are you? Me: I'm not Okay... Lucy: Tell me! I told her the whole story Lucy: Omg girl! I feel so sorry for you! Me: Thank you! Lucy: But I think you should go monday! Me: You think? Lucy: Yes! Maybe you can forgive him when he explained. Me: Maybe your right... Lucy: Think about it! Me: I will! Lya Lucy: Lya 2 Me: Should I text him to say it? Lucy: Maybe that's a good idea! Me: Okay Thank you so much! Lucy: No probs!
Pov Zach What did I do? I feel so bad! I'm really crying in the badroom right now. I asked her for a second chance but she didn't responce so I don't know if she's coming. *ping* Sophia: I will be there but don't screw up! Me: Thank you so much! And I will not! Sophia: Are you really in love with me? Me: I think I kinda am yes... Sophia: Okay but you need to know that I can't promise you that I'm in love with you too. Me: I know but you will hahahaha Sophia: Omg jerk! Me: Haha no worries I was just kidding. Sophia: I know haha Me: I got to go! Love ya! Me: Uuuhhhh Sophia: Love you 2 crazy man Me: Hahahaha byee Sophia: Bye This felt so good! I really need to Sneek out monday but normally I can because we don't have things to do on monday.
Pov Sophia It felt good doing normal to Zach. I really need him in my life. I don't want to lose him! He's one of my best friends!
I want to look good today! But I can't do it myself! I'm going to call Lucy and ask her to help me. A few moments later she is at my home. Lucy: Omg your house is beautiful Me: Haha Thanks and thanks for coming! Lucy: No problem! Everything for my Limelight bestie! Me: Aww Okay let's get started! Lucy: Yes! First a dress. Let me show yours. Me: Okay come with me. We picked a light blue dress. Now Lucy is going to do my make-up. Me: Not to much make-up. Lucy: Ofcourse not! You still need to be yourself! Me: Yes! After my make up was done I gave her a big hug. Me: Thank you so much! Lucy: No problem! I love to help! Me: That's sweet! She went home and I took my last things and went to the cinema.
Pov Zach I'm so nervous! I'm in the cinema already because I had to Sneek in because I don't want fans today I only want her! Sophia: I'm at the cinema right now. Where are you?? Me: Already inside you will see Why! Sophia: Where inside? Me: Ask to the man who sells the tickets Where can I find the cute boy he will guide you! Sophia: Okay...
Pov Sophia I'm following the Guy now and I don't know Where we are going to. Guy: So here it is! Me: Thanks! He left and I was there in front of a door not knowing who was behind it. I opened the door and first I saw nobody but then I saw him. He looked so familiair to me. I kept thinking when suddenly... Omg that's Zach Herron!!! I started crying and I didn't knew what to do! Zach: Uhh hey! Me: Are... no? Zach: Yes I'm! Am I so ugly that you have to cry? Me: No you're not it's just to perfect to be true. Zach: It's real. Now you know Why I did do misterious. Me: Yeah I get it now. I was still crying Zach: Come here let me hug you! Ofcourse I didn't say no. It felt like we were hugging forever. Suddenly he pushed me a little bit further and our faces were really close to each other. My heart couldn't handle this anymore was he going to Kiss me??? He was. He kissed me but he stoped really quick. Zach: I'm sorry! I shouldn't have do that! Me: True you shouldn't have pushed me away. He smiled at me and kissed me again. It was so intense. There was a couch and we went lying on it. He was lying on me but we were just kissing. After a lot of kissed I lied on his chest. Me: Zachary Dean Herron... I love you! Zach: I love you to Sophia! But wow you know my full name! Me: Once a Limelight always a limelight. Zach: So you just kissed me because I'm Zach Herron... Me: No Zach. I kissed you because I like you! We kissed again Me: Can this moment never stop please. Zach: We still have time! Me: That's right. Zach: Let's go on out first date! I'm taking you out to diner! Me: Aww sweet! Zach: Come on! Let's go! He took my hand and hand in hand we were going outside! I felt so normal and good! ———————————————————————— Sooo I just want to show you this!
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