Chapter Nine: Drama In Theater

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Our first rehearsal was quite interesting.  We had to help make parts of the set, but thankfully it was only a technical rehearsal, so we were not put in costume yet.  However, Daniel decided to sing in his white mask, so he could get used to it.  

When it came time to rehearsal our part, Mr. Andrews began to teach us our choregraphy for The Phantom of The Opera.  If you could call it that.  During the beginning of the song, Daniel just took my hand and lead me back and forth across the stage, mimicking going down staircases.  Then, we will climb into a "boat", which was a little cart with board front shaped like a small boat, and Daniel would stand and "row" it.  

Music Of The Night is mostly just slowly moving across the stage, and parts of it I would be wrapped in Daniel's embrace, which was something most girls in my class would just die to have happen to them.  

He was a truly fantastic singer, and he was handsome, which was something he would have to hide in order to play the Phantom.  When we first had a chance to talk, he seemed charming, but there was something that didn't always seem sincere about him.  He always had someone by his side.  I had never seen just him and him alone, except when he was acting.  

Though, that night after the rehearsal he called after me.  "Hadley!  Wait up!"

I slowed my pace and he caught up with me.  "You know, you've got a great voice.  How come I haven't seen you around in drama club before?"

"I just moved here this year.  I'm new.  This will most likely be my first and last involvement in Owatonna theater." I told him, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.  It was quite heavy.  The teachers were relentless with homework.  

"That's a bummer.  I was hoping you would do it again next year.  Rumor is that the musical will be Beauty and the Beast, and you'd make a fine Belle." I chuckled at his attempt to charm, or quite possibly flirt.  

"You'd make a fantastic Beast." 

"That was low!" He laughed.  But we both stopped laughing when we rounded a corner.  

Mack was there, leaning against the lockers, kissing Lexie.  But when they pulled away, he noticed us.  Mack and I just stared at each other for a moment, before he said, "Hadley..."

Daniel just took my arm and pulled me along, as if he was a mother guiding a child away from something inappropriate.  As soon as we headed down the hall and were out of their sight, he said, "Don't even bother with him.  He's a creep, and apparently one of his girlfriends killed herself because of him.  What an ass." 

I swallowed hard.  "I've heard about that rumor.  It's...horrible."

"Hadley," Mack took my other arm, which felt quite strange.  It was as though I was being courted to a fancy ball.  

"Um...Mack, this really isn't the best time-"

"I need to talk to you."

"Hadley." Daniel growled.  I really wanted to get away from both of them, so I quickly said goodbye and hurried down the hall.  Daniel left me to my own devices, meanwhile Mack just chased after me.  I didn't know why, but seeing him with Lexie made me burn with envy.  And envy isn't jealous though; envy means that you wish the other person did not have what you desire.  These weird feelings for Mack were making me dislike other people, which made me unhappy.  

Unfortunately, Bridget wasn't there yet to pick me up, so I had to wait on the sidewalk while Mack came upon me.  "I just wanted to say that I thought you did amazing at the audition.  I would have never thought you could sing."

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