Chapter 11

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"I don't even know if we will survive this, but let's hope so."

"Geez! Stop being so paranoid and think positive! We have the prince in our side after all."

"And the princess too."

The group slowly came out of the cave, facing a large number of alien police that locked them in a glass box and made their way to the castle. They were sent to the dungeon in the basement before their hands were untied from the rope.

"Ok, so now what?" Atsuya questioned,

"We wait until she goes down here. Duh~" Reina said with a sassy tone as she walk to the bed to lie down.

"Why don't you use your.. magic?" Dark asked as he played with his hair, tugging it upwards then patting it down.

"This part of the castle is magic proof. Even the queen, king or us can even break it." Midorikawa explained still reading a book,

The triplets nodded their head, understanding what he means and tried to do something instead of standing around. They played rock,paper, scissors and then resting before playing another round of rock,paper,scissor.

After an hour of waiting, they heard the door opening and they acted like they were sulking in the corner.

"Nee-chan! Please! Let me out!!" Tatsuya whined as he grabbed the metal bars,

"Shut up, Tatsuya! You dared to disrespect me and even planned on letting the humans free! Your punishment will be living down here for eternity until you killed those three!" The queen, Hitomiko, shouted while pointing to the triplets,

"Woah woah woah! Easy there! Why do you want us to be killed anyway?!"

"Hush, Atsuya! She's a woman! Learn how to respect!"

"Shush, Shirou."

Hitomiko shook her head as she told the guards to open the metal bars. She went inside and sat beside Reina who's quite feeling awkward and sweating.

"It's actually a long story but I'll tell you so you three will die with knowledge." Hitomiko said before fading into a flashback.


(Hitomiko's POV)

"Otou-san! Look what I just did!" I cheerfully said as I pointed the flying heavy box,

"Great job, sweetheart. But I need to go, I need to do something important to the academy." He said as he exited through a portal.

I slumped back to the ground, a sigh escaping in my lips. He's always at the school and not spending time with us, except for Hiroto. He's my younger brother and younger than me by 3 years. (Let's just assume that that's their age gap because the anime didn't mentioned it.. right? XD)

He's always with him, either when he's at the academy or at home. They played soccer the most of times but sometimes practicing Hiroto's magic as well.

"Hmmp! I better go inside before they see me here." I muttered to myself, standing up from my position and teleported to the castle and went straight to my room.

I decided to sleep instead of waiting for them to arrive.

When I woke up, I heard loud noises outside of my room. It seems like shouting and some bunch of other noise that came from destroying something. I peeked through the keyhole to see Hiroto using his magic as he slowly destroy some part of the castle.

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