Chapter 1: The Start

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Before I start this story, just let me thank you for reading this and give it a try if you'd like. Not sure if I'll finish this as I'm not certain if this story is necessarily going anywhere. In case you don't like fiction, I don't suggest reading this, unless you want to give it a go. It has its fiction moments but in all honestly fiction isn't a constant theme in this story.

I'd like everyone to meet SOME of the characters first, I decided to get random sketches off the internet so I take no credit. You will see sketches of the other characters once you come across them in the story.



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Ralph rested on the sofa, staring at the roof blankly.

Damien was sitting cross legged on a wooden rocking chair located in the corner of his "play-room," also known as a spare room with whatever was in it-- play-stations, x-box's, TV, sofa, etc. Placed on his lap was his old, and very tiny, laptop. Ralph liked to call it Damien's "tablet", in consideration of the fact the screen was the size of a tablet-- which Damien didn't mind at all.
'Dude, I wish we were popular! Can't twelve-year-olds have one single dream?' Ralph complained.
Damien looked up from his laptop, which he did not do often.
'Yeah, like, the Marine Covers are popular!' Damien agreed, letting out a little sigh of frustration.
( Marine Covers is pronounced like Ma-reen Cove-ers)
The two boys lived in a small estate called Marine Cove, in Canada. They also happened to meet in that small estate.
The Marine Covers were neighbors, aged nineteen, that started off at Ralph and Damien's age, twelve. They were wandering around in an old abandoned building, where they somehow came across a little boy, age nine, tied up to a chair. They rescued the little boy, and after that they built up and up. Who could've guessed they are now considered heroes that fight "the evil," and heroes they are, to be fair.

Damien sighed in deep thought.
Ralph jumped up, 'I've got an idea!'
Damien now didn't even notice his laptop existed. 'Really? What is it then?'
Ralph, had a bright, proud grin planted across his tanned face. 'Well, obviously, we cannot join them, the Marine Covers, but we sure can try be against them. Their precious, menacing enemies. Nobody claimed that position yet!'

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