Chapter One

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C h a p t e r O n e


"Losing me will hurt; it will be the kind of pain that won't feel real at first, and when it does, it will take her breath away."-Gayle Forman, If I Stay.

Overwhelmed with a sense of loss, a sense of pain, a sense of not being able to bare it all, she hurled her brush at her mirror, sending grass fragments skidding across the wooden floor. Pulse racing, head spinning, she looked madly for something else to destroy. She fell to the floor in defeat, her chest heaving. Her short, black hair tickled her damp cheeks and tears stuck them to her pale skin.

Her mind flashed to the news head page: Construction worker, Matt Blue, was killed this morning by a falling metal beam.

She heard the sirens minutes later, heard the fake apologies of the neighbors, heard the last words of her father: I'll be back with dinner. I love you. She concealed her messy face with her pale hands, her eyes read from tears, a lump hurting her throat.

She thought of everything, she thought of how abruptly everything had changed. She wondered about where her Father was now; if she would ever be the same again; if anything would be the same.

Choking on a flood of tears welling up in her eyes, her body rocked back and forth, kept on moving-trying to remind her that she still had a reason to live, still had a purpose. It didn't matter the number of times she said it; she couldn't bare the thought of her only parent being gone. It seemed unreal. There would be no one to tuck her in at night, no one to eat meals with or have fun with. No one to hug her and kiss her and love her and tell her she was needed. She didn't realize how much those words meant to her, until they had all left, picked up and gone with her father.

She stepped out of her her house, relishing the fresh air that filled her lungs. Memories clung to her mind and shook her heart as she clung to a picture of her Father. Reaching the end of the walk, she fell to her knees. Clawing through the dirt, feeling the moisture clinging to her fingers, she buried her Father's picture deep in the earth. She walked back inside with candles, lit them one by one, igniting the sweet scent of wax.

She poured her heart out, meaning every word, letter, and syllable.

Closing her eyes, she felt numb as her fingers still held the picture, she felt cold and dark and hollow. Releasing her mind from the demons tormenting her, she relished in the feeling of emptiness welling through her body.

Author's Note

Thank you so much for reading, or re-reading! This chapter is pretty short, but I want it to be this way to extend the length of them. Okay, I have a lot to say in this Author's Note. I bet a lot of you are just like, "Woah. What happened?" So to explain, I'm redoing Eternal. Sometimes I reread my stories, and I was going through it, and I was like, "Oh my goodness. This is absolutely awful." I was just going to tweak each chapter, but then it just got to the point where I was so exhausted. So I labeled some sections Not Edited, and if I accidentally leave them in there, it means they probably haven't been edited, and are going to change. So, I plan on changing character personalities, the plot, sequence of events, writing style, format, and layout of the original book. The protocol idea I first had would be "Just make an entire new book", but my sister disagreed with the idea and told me it was too much work. Also, I will be changing the Book Cover, so you most definitely won't have to bare the awful sight for long. Also, the blurb will change. I have an entire new future for this story, and entire new plan and setup. A lot of you must be thinking, "it's just one crappy story out of others you have that are good. Just bare with it." But, I have hundreds of amateur stories saved on Microsoft Word, but they're my personal library, so no one else will see them but me, so I'm okay with that. But with Wattpad, once you publish a story, anyone can see. I want to make a good impression. I want to give each story my all. So if I have the opportunity and chance to improve and make it better, I most definitely well. And now I'm starting with Eternal, because I don't want to live with something awful if I don't have to. I hope you understand. The further chapters may not have been edited yet-it all depends on when you're reading this, but if you are reading this and the further chapters HAVE NOT been edited yet, please refrain from continuing. Okay, so now it's time for closing. Thank you all for your support, comments, and votes! It makes me so happy. I hope all of you have an amazing week, especially since Memorial Day is coming up soon. I love you all!



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