Aerospace II - Unama'ki

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Aerospace II : The Island Cycle


Gordon Best

Chapter 1 : Home and Thinking

Out on a country road not 30km from Sydney, Cape Breton, I had built this square log cabin. Just a small structure on a large piece of land. That was 30 years ago and I have worked on and off in Sydney over the years. I grow most of my own food on about two hectares of the land. I have to spend a couple of days each year just cutting back the bushes and trees that are trying to take over the open field.

I am following in the old tradition of many a Cape Bretoner. We spend our lives alone, unmarried. My name is Arran Wallace. But I am not that traditional person. I was not born here and there is as much east indian blood in me as scottish. I was born in Mississauga, Ontario.

Who knew that I would become a spook. Roaming the highlands and the lowlands of Cape Breton, Unama'ki, trying to keep the new people safe. Who knew that there needed to be people like us. But there were others out there tearing down good stuff and ruining young lives. There are millions living in Mi'kmaw Nation. That is what Cape Breton, Unama'ki, is called now. It is mostly native and they have control. I like the place as it is and when I was asked by someone... Well I will have to tell the story and hope for your understanding.

I have a history. I lived on the wild side as a teen and did some things that I am not proud of. I learned to fight in Toronto and defend myself. At first I used colours but after a while, I realized that it was stupid to go around making myself a target. Then I dressed down. I have east-indian features and a dark skin but by wearing the right clothing and changing my body language, I can avoid most people.

I never carried a gun in Toronto, but I was a weapon, when I was threatened. And I knew how to use it. Anything can be used. I learned that from the old martial arts movies. And it's true, as long as you are focused on the moment of interface... I had yet to be arrested, so when I turned 23 years, I left the city and headed for Cape Breton. I had money. Been saving for years. I spent a year in Sydney, found a rough but satisfying job, in tire retreading. I got talking to people and mentioned I was looking for property.

It was not long before I got notice of a piece of land out of town on the Frenchvale Road.

* * *

Gloria Herney caught my eye one night, when I was walking home in Sydney. A small but feisty woman, Mi'kmaq, just hanging around outside the Casino, trying to keep the drunks away. She saw me and came hurrying over.

"Hey, friend! You new in town. Not seen you around." She had seen me. We had looked at each other often in the last month. She walked right up and started keeping pace with me, as I had not slowed down on my after dinner walk.

"I have been around for a few months. Don't you keep your friends company inside the casino?" I asked.

"They are fools. They never win and they blow their government check every month."

"But you don't do that?"

"No! I got a place in Membertou. I pay the monthly on time. You are cute."

"Not bad yourself. You want some coffee?"

"You taking me home? I am high price."

"If I thought you were a prostitute, I would not have asked you. You're straight. I know because I am straight."

She just exudes sexuality but I said nothing about that. She knew.

I don't know why I trusted her so much but I said it. "I am looking for a good partner. I am going to buy some land up on the Frenchvale. Need someone to share it with. I can't build a house by myself."

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