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­­It was a brilliantly beautiful morning as the sun broke through the sky. The rhythmic sound of the sprinklers shooting their gentle streaks of water across the flowerbeds and the immediate pastures serenaded an otherwise quiet morning. The geese cooed and honked quietly as they dipped their heads into the rippling waters of the pond. The baby ducks chirped and one by one flopped themselves into the muddy edges among the cattails.

 The fountains around the patio trickled and the low hum of the ceiling fans on the veranda kept the air moving. All if the horses were out of their stalls this morning and in various riding rings, each of them sticking to his own agenda. Yes, it was a fabulous morning for a post-wedding brunch. The door to the veranda came swinging open and out I came, a bounce in my step and already catching sight of the two empty chairs around the patio table.

 "Good morning! Hi baby Robert! 'Ey, wifey! Well…hello Brian...aren’t you just the finest husband I’ve seen this mornin’. Been rockin' that headboard with your bride?" My smile radiated as I scooted my chair under the table and squeezed Chrissie's knee repeatedly. Brian looked at me and shook his head, his arm around Chrissie's shoulders. He sighed heavily.

 "By the look on your face it seems you're the one who's been rockin’ that headboard this morning." Brian said dully picking up his teacup. He yawned.

 “Mmm…” I was mid-sip on my tea. “ Brian please…I’m a classy lady…” I paused and examined my tea. “…but god Roger’s a total animal in the mornings. Pass the sugar, please?”

 "This is our wedding breakfast!" Chrissie rolled her head around. "How…how is it that…God, Brian and I didn't get to bed until after 4 AM last night! We are exhausted! We barely got to sleep and it was time to wake for this lovely brunch! How are you not miserable, Lydia!? You and Roger worked your arses off yesterday! HOW!? How does sleep not sound better than sex at this point?!” Chrissie asked emphatically. Indeed, she looked as if she were about to fall asleep in her tea. Mary laughed.

 “Oh my god…did you hear what you jut asked me!? Chrissie! You already have your newlywed priorities miserably askew.” I winked at Brian, which as usual, made him blush at me. Mary laughed again, simply thrilled.

 “So, where is the animal?” she asked, holding on to Robbie and rubbing his little back as Veronica prepared his bottle. I stirred sugar into my tea and glanced over at her.

 “I have no idea. He’s with my father at one of the riding rings I think. Dad needed a cigar partner this morning.” I said as one of the waiters my mother had hired for the morning came over to us. “Good morning.” I said looking up. “Um…can I get some berries with cream…light…light cream, please and dry toast. Thank you.” I smiled at the waiter. Oh, oh, wait…sir could you have the cook make a pancetta and roasted tomato omelet with goat cheese and hollandaise with um…some homefries prepared with onion, salt and pepper, cook it in olive oil, please? Make that two of those and maybe drop those orders in about say…twenty minutes to a half hour?” I asked of him again. He smiled all over at me.

 “As you wish Miss Cambell. If you don’t mind me saying…you look so very beautiful this morning.  It’s my pleasure to be in your presence.” I hadn’t ever seen wait staff light up light up like that.

 “Ah, thank you.” I gave him my most pleasant smile as he left the table. I found myself a little confused.

 “Did…did you all already order?” I asked, pointing around the table.

 “We did, less than ten minutes ago and I have to say, Lydia…that’s quite impressive…the way you know exactly what to order. My god, you not only spoil Roger, you ya’ father too.” Veronica laughed and started Robert on his bottle.

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