Welcome Natsuki!

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I woke up feeling the same as always, in pain. Papa had already left by the time I woke up. He left no allowance as always and there's no damn way I could find proper food in this house. Trying my best to stay hopeful, I make my way to school. I get dressed and run out the door feeling the wind, I'm so weak I feel like it would push me down.
"Today's the day Natsuki."
I told my self. I've been looking for a club to join since forever. A place where I could breathe without fear of getting in trouble or being beaten for forgetting to take out the trash or clean my room. With so many clubs at this school, you'd think it was easy. But all those "official" clubs simply have too many people and are just so busy. I want a place where I can be safe. Getting as far away from my dad as possible would be good, too. I finally arrive at school and sit through all the boring shit. But I mean, I still have to pay attention to it nonetheless if my dad saw a bad grade on my report card he would b-
The bell takes me back to reality. I look around at the different club rooms on the third floor reading the flyers as I hop on by.
"The Debate Club?"
The flyer was so bland I nearly missed it, it sounds boring anyway. I continue on my way until I stop at the end of the hall.
"A literature club?"
The flyer stated they only had 3 members they were in desperate need of a new club member so they could become a real club. But... the only kind of books I read are Manga.
Is that alright?
I mean Manga is literature too right?
Scared I drag myself to room 431 where the club was supposedly housed. I finally arrive and timidly knock on the door.
"Hello there!"
Surprised by the girl who nearly jumped onto me, she walked me in without saying anything else. Did she know what I wanted? The girl wore a bright red bow and had the cutest smile. She wore her blazer unbuttoned and looked just a bit unorganized. Another girl her hair up in a ponytail smiled at me gently.
"Hello there welcome, is there something you need?"
"She wants to join our club!"
The girl with the red bow sprung foward.
"H-hey dummie! I didn't say a word!"
I snapped back. I didn't mean to, I just don't talk a lot it's a force of habit, I guess.
A Girl I hadn't noticed before laughs softly.
"Yuri? Whatcha laughin at?"
The girl flies up from her book in surprise.
"N-nothing. I wasn't listening Monika, I swear!"
She seemed flustered by the sudden interaction. She stood up to grab a tea set and I was surprised by how tall she was. she was the biggest and seemingly most mature of the other girls. From what I've heard her name is Yuri. What a pretty name.
The other girl, Monika was one I knew although I hadn't known her name until now. She was the leader, I knew from the flier I had seen. With the process of elimination, I knew the third was Sayori. She was Vice President of the club.
"So...do you wanna join? We really, really, need a new member."
Monika smiled and I knew I simply had to answer.
"Yeah, I won't enjoy it though..."
Monika laughed and we walked over to the table with four chairs surrounding it. I followed, Yuri looked up from her book, walked over, and sat right next to me. I got somewhat intimidated by her appearance compared to my tiny body she was far taller. She turned to me and started to speak.
"W-what's your name?"
I made sure I was quick to respond.
"Natsuki, your Yuri right?"
She immediately started blushing out of emmbaresment when she realised I knew her name. She nodded at me.
"Why did you want to join the literature club?"
The one question I was afraid of. I mean, I couldn't answer with something like-
"I joined because I wanted to be somewhere safe."
I instead went with something I hope would appeal to her.
"Well I really like writing, I read often too."
"That's great."
She continued interrogating me.
"What do you like to read."
"Manga!" I answered proud. Her smile faded into a sad state and I immediatly regretted it.
"Well I like fantasy. You know? Books that are able to build complex and engaging worlds different from our own."
Her voice changed and I smiled at the fact she found her comfort in the world of books.
"I'm gotten into horror too."
I hate horror. She's nothing like me but, she seems so nice and I want to get to know her better.
"Okay everyone!"
Monika shouts and the three of us all stop what were doing to listen.
"Today we are gonna write poems!"
I got scared and I could tell yuri was worried too. I've never shown my poems to anyone. But if it means I get to see a poems of Yuri's, then it's worth it.
"That's All for today! Sorry you arrived pretty late Natsuki but, I'm glad you're a member now."
Sayori starts clapping and cheering Yuri laughs. I walk half way out until I'm stopped.
"Hey Natsuki"
I look over to her.
"I look forward to seeing your poem."
"Me too, Yuri."
I walk out she stays in just a bit longer.
But that was 6 months ago.

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