Chapter 5

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"So get back, back, back to where we lasted. Just like I imagined. I could never feel this way. So get back, back, back to the disaster. My heart's beating faster. Holding on to feel the same..." Sugarcult- 'Memory'

Cathar, the man, told me that I had to kill and dispose of Zac however I wanted. And I couldn't do anything aside from that or I would have a repeat of 3 years ago. And Chris would be there, in the shadows, watching me. Jayde couldn't be there or the job would fall apart. So they let me go...sort of. Chris was in the isle next to me.  I could feel his intense gaze following my every move. It made me nervous. I had goose bumps all over me. I had to find Zac...find Zac...find Zac. I needed to kill him. The only reason I hadn't before was because of Chris.

Cathar scared more daylights out of me than Zac. He made me prefer Zac. Zac was just a ranting, raving, impatient retard while Cathar was direct with his anger and acted upon it severely. Cathar was short-tempered and getting a smile out of him would be almost impossible. He at least Zac had a small sense of mercy. But it never occurred to me to kill him before now.

He was yelling at me again from across the store, "Adriane! Did you find him? Get over here now!" I roll my eyes, finding myself anxious to get...him... over with. It sickened my stomach to think like that, but after what he's done to friends. I run toward Zac, only to have my wrist grabbed. He tightens his fist, causing me to cry out yet again.

"We have to find him, Adriane! This isn't a game! And if you can't seem to understand that, I will make your life pure hell!" He threatens, each word he increased the pain.

With a determined look, I gather my will and stand to meet his eyes. "My life is pure hell," I spoke before my switchblade found its mark in his jugular. He makes a startled choking sound before falling onto me, dead. I push him off with a thrust of my weapon to get him off of me. Then, as usual, I set his body to flame. The only unusual thing was that I hadn't seduced him before so. It felt good.

Maybe I could escape now. Chris might not be able to catch up to me. The thought passes through my mind. But that was absurd. Chris was a fast runner. I know this the hard way. Before I can even think of anything else, I'm snatched up by the waist. I start thrashing in Chris's arms, but he's too strong. He carries me back to the storage room, carries me back to Cathar. He drops me onto the concrete floor, nods to his partner, and leans against the wall casually.

"Good job, Little Tramp," Cathar uses my most hated nickname. I look up at him maliciously. He glares at me in return, causing me to back down a bit. If looks could kill...he touches his scar, apparently irritated by it, and turns away. "You will come with us, back to your home in the woods. There, we will wait for Jayde and kill her too. She's bound to be there soon, so we'd better hurry." His voice sends horrified chills racking down my spine.

I didn't want to show Cathar any weakness. He turns back to me sharply, his eyes full of anger. He steps toward me, but I stand my ground. If he was going to hit me, then let him.


We're in the house, waiting for Jayde. Cathar has a knife at my throat, and I have my switchblade in hand. In a position where I can't stab him, I'm against the wall with his forearm blocking my shoulders and my armed hand behind my back, squished against the splintery wood.

Then I hear Jayde's voice, ringing through the woods, "Zac? Where are you? I swear when I find you there is going to be one more dead man on this planet!" Then she opens the door to the house. And I give her a warning scream. Cathar sends me an intense death glare before shoving me away and lunging at Jayde. Jayde backs up and shuts the door in front of her. Cathar plunges his blade into the door. Jayde yelps and opens the door again. It slams into Cathar's face so hard that it cracks. Chris walks into the room, another knife in hand. He flings himself at Jayde, who is fumbling for a chef knife in the nearest drawer. I manage to stand and jump in front of him. His body knocks mine away with ease, but Jayde took the extra time to snatch the knife up and slash it across his forehead.  But as she does, Cathar takes a stab at Jayde. It nails her in the side, and she falls onto the floor, gasping for breath.  I'm crying now, but silently, unnoticeably. Jayde's hand rushes to the wound, and when she looks at it, it's covered in blood.

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