my cute bunny ♡

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Donghyuck was NOT looking like a bunny. No matter how many times mark said he looks like a bunny or calls him "bunny donghyuck", lee donghyuck DID NOT look like a GOD DAMN BUNNY!!!

"Hyuckkie do you want some carrot? I brang carrot for lunch today so you can eat it"

Even though mark, the new kid in school, the one with fluffy looking messy blonde hair said this in such a sweet tone donghyuck knew he was teasing him. He always did ever since the first day he entered the room. He kept teasing donghyuck about his bunny teeth, about his huge eyes, his tiny nose and his plumb lips.

"Oh my god donghyuckkie your bunny teeth are sooooo adorable. Can i watch you eating a carrot ???" "Woah donghyuckkie's eyes are huger than the apple we ate yesterday." "Hyuckkie's nose is so tiny i thought he lost it when he sneezed to the tissue" "woah hyuckkie did a bee sting your lips??"

Yeah....mark just LOVED teasing donghyuck about EVERYTHING about him. But mostly it was his bunny teeth that he loved talking about.

"No minhyung i don't want any carrot. I am NOT a bunny!"

When the taller one laughed donghyuck wanted to both punch him in the face and kiss his cheek at the same time. He thought about if he could do both. But then he didn't want to do the second thint when mark's laughter turned into a teasing smirk.

"But you are a bunny tho donghyuckkie. Just like doyoung hyung. I guess it's in the genes." Mark said and sighed in a way that can pass as dreamingly but donghyuck knew it wasn't. "I wish i was as cute as you donghyuckkie. But i can never be as adorable as my bunny. What to do??"

"I'm not your bunny!" Donghyuck said, pinkish shade of red was spreading on his chubby cheeks.

Mark wrapped his hand around the shorter boy's shoulders and pulled him into a forceful hug.

"You 'are' my bunny donghyuckkie. My adorable bunny."

The redness got brighter, shining on the beautiful, tan skin.

Donghyuck sighed and wrapped his arms around mark back.

"I am not a bunny"

"Whatever you say. My cute bunny."

Donghyuck sighed again but kept the warm hug. Mark might've be an annoyingly teasing friend...but his hugs were warm and pretty himself...


"Donghyuckkieeeee, my bunnnyy"

Donghyuck sighed and turned around to look at his best friend who was running to him then crashed on his chest and they both fell down.

Mark, who was on top, looked up at donghyuck, smiling at him sweetly with cute puppy eyes.

"Good morning my cute bunny"

"Mark i'm not a bunny. I had been saying this to you for four years now."

Nark frowned and glared at donghyuck angryly. Then pinched him in the arm harshly.

"Ouch what was that for?!"
"You ARE my bunny!"

Donghyuck rolled his eyes while rubbing his arm to soothe the pain. Why mark kept calling him his bunny really ? They were fourteen years old now. They weren't kids anymore. He should've stop calling him like that already.

"I am a teenager now. So you can't call me like that anymore."

"I am a teenager too. So what? It doesn't change the fact that you are my cute and small bunny." Mark said, squishing donghyuck's cheeks to make his lips pop out to show his cute bunny teeth.

my bunny ♡Where stories live. Discover now