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DISCLAIMER: English is not my first language so excuse me for any mistakes I make. This is my first fanfiction and also the first book I release on Wattpad, so my writing might also be incorrect at some places. Also, Changbin will probably not appear in the first two or three chapters. In my fanfiction he will also be a few years older than he actually is in real life. Thank you for your understanding.

Yuna's POV

"It's the last day. It's finally going to be over, after all." I said to myself as I looked in the mirror, straightening my blouse.

It's the day of my graduation ceremony. It's hard to believe that I actually got this far considering how much I hated it all. When I think of the word college, my brain automatically associates it with negative words. I always wanted to leave and go somewhere where nobody knows me, but I couldn't. I had to get through these few years, no matter how much I hated it. People say bullying doesn't exist in college, they say that the students are mature enough not to make fun of each other. That statement is so wrong, I can't even begin to describe how wrong it is. Why did everyone hate me? Why was I the only target of all those disgusting scandals? I'll probably never know, but it doesn't really matter anymore. It's over.

With these thoughts in my head, I put on my shoes, grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I live on the 10th floor of a run-down flat near my college. It doesn't have an elevator and it's full of creepy old people, but this is all I can afford. My part-time job in a fast food restaurant doesn't exactly pay well, I barely have enough money for rent and food. I've also been saving up for something else for a while now, so most of my money was sleeping on my bank account, waiting for the moment when I finally can get the hell out of this place.

While walking, all I could think about was leaving everything behind. Starting a new life somewhere else, somewhere completely unknown. If I do that, will there be people who care about me? Will I be able to make friends?

With these thoughts in my head, I arrived to my college. I saw all the students laughing and having fun with their family. Taking pictures, hugging, making memories. It made me jealous.

I headed inside, waiting for my graduation ceremony to begin.

*after the ceremony*

I headed out the room with a light smile on my face, feeling somewhat relieved and happy. I could hear people whispering about me and pointing at me but I didn't care anymore.

I suddenly bumped into someone. I looked up at the person, just to see her in front of me. The person who made these years so unbearable for me, Song Hyujin. I can't believe I actually thought of her as a friend at the beginning.


"Hyujin!" I called out to my best friend, running towards her cheerfully. She turned around and looked at me with a smile, waving at me. "Yuna!"

We headed towards the classroom, chatting and laughing casually. Suddenly, Hyujin's boyfriend, Minho appeared next to us. I never liked that guy. He always had a fake smile on and I found him flirting with other girls countless times. I tried to tell Hyujin but she didn't believe me, she called me delusional and she accused me of trying to separate them. I just apologized to her and dropped the subject, but it started to get worse recently. That jerk is trying to make a move on me when Hyujin is not there.

I sighed and looked at him with a disgusted expression. I stayed quiet for the rest of the walk, listening to their conversation.

Hyujin and I finally reached our classroom and Minho left.

*after the lesson*

Hyujin headed to the cafeteria to get some food for us while I was waiting for her in the hallway. I suddenly felt a hand sneaking around my waist. I jumped up in surprise, just to see Minho smirking next to me.

"Get your filthy hands off of me." I spat at him, trying to walk away. Before I could move an inch, he grabbed my wrist, pulling me close to him and kissing me with that disgusting mouth of his. I just stood there with wide eyes for a second before hearing a high-pitched scream. I turned around, just to find Hyujin looking at us with disbelief.

"Hyujin, don't misunderstand please." I begged her. "Let me explain."

"I don't need your explanation." she said with teary eyes, then turned around and ran away. I was about to chase after her, when Minho pushed me down and ran after her before I could do anything.

All I could do was head home.

*the next day*

I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to face Hyujin and Minho. It took all of my strenght to get up and head to my college. Hyujin wasn't waiting for me at the gate this time,she probably hates me now. I should try and explain myself, I'm sure she will understand.

As soon as I got into the school, people were looking at me like a piece of trash. I didn't understand what was going on, I didn't even do anything.

I found Hyujin and Minho standing in front of my classroom, both of them smirking at me.

"Do you have any idea what's going on? Everyone is looking at me." I asked them curiously, but all I got for an answer was laughter. "Maybe because everyone knows how much of a hoe you are?" Hyujin said, still laughing. I was speechless, I just stood there with my mouth wide open. "What? Do you feel bad now that everyone knows how you kissed your best friend's boyfriend?" Minho said, looking at me like I'm some kind of parasyte. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What are you talking about? You forced yourself on me, I wouldn't kiss someone like you willingly even if my life depended on it." I said with disgust in my voice. "You're still trying to lie your way out of this? It's useless. Everyone knows the real you now. Get ready to pay for what you did, bitch." Hyujin said while turning on her heels and walking away, dragging Minho with her.

This is how my life turned into a living hell.


I tried to get away from her as fast as possible, but she grabbed my hair and dragged me back to her. "Where do you thing you're going?" she teased with a smirk on her face, still holding my hair. We were in the middle of a crowded hallway, yet nobody tried to help me. "I thought you would try to run away at some point and quit school but you surprised me. You still had the nerve to show up here after what happened. How shameless. I hope I never have to see your disgusting face ever again." she finally let go of me and walked away. I already learned that there's no use to fight back, it's basically the whole school against me. I just left and walked home, taking a last look at the place that made me so miserable.

So that's it for the first chapter. It came out way longer than I expected, sorry if it's too much lmao. This is basically a little intro into the life of our main character. I know it's not that interesting now but I promise it will get better soon~ Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it.

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