I admit

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I admit I do miss you. I miss being in your arms. Seeing you smile and laugh. I miss being around our friends. But since your gone I can't be around you. I'm not strong enough to face you still. I can't even see out friends for fear you would be there. I can't see you without shedding a tear. I do miss you, us, but do you miss me to. I think not because you would have tried to reach out  to me, to ease my trouble mind and heart, yet you didn't even wanna see me, let alone speak to me. It hurt when I wanted to talk and you respond "Give this time" it's not about you, I just wanted to be around our friends again. My friends keep me happy without them I fall into sorrow. I am not out of your life. I wish we could go back in time and hang out and be friends like we once were. But we can't, I can't but you can.

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