My Sorrow Life

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*just gonna throw this little warning cuz this chapter is kinda depressing ;-;*

Naruto P.O.V

It was a normal day in the village of Konoha. We just finished a mission and we decided to call it a day. I really wished we could of stay longer cause I really liked the company of team 7. On my walk home there was this familiar vibe and as usual like any other normal day everybody gives me those eyes.

Those hateful eyes....

I tried my best to ignore them but at the same time I could also hear them talking about me saying that I was a murderer, a monster, kyuubi. People call me all those names they just assume what am I in their eyes, they don't even bother to know my real name I just hate it when they are like this. My dream was to be recognize as the future hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. But judging by all the treatment they give me makes me wonder what if there is no future for someone like me to even belong here.

I never did anything bad I always do things right, sure I do mess up sometimes but I will never dare to hurt any of my comrades. Even if it means that I have to give my life for Sakura-chan, Sasuke, and Kakashi sensei or anyone else who is precious to me. But sometimes I wish they would acknowledge me. Everybody is in their own little world I feel like Sakura-chan only cares about Sasuke and Sasuke only cares about revenge and Kakashi sensei only cares about his pervy books but what about me? Don't they see any value in me, am I not good enough to be worth their time?

They look at me like I'm a nuisance, a boy who mess things up that I'm just in their way of things.

As I walk through the streets I reached my destination and open my apartment door and go inside I took a look around, it was empty and lonely it has always been for as long as I can remember. I was exhausted of the mission so I didn't put to much thought about it.

I went straight to my bed and I pick up a kunai that was on the floor I put it against my arm ready to cut my tan skin maybe so I can forget all this pain I'm feeling in my chest I know its not the right thing to do but I mean, who would even care? Like I said before everybody is in their own little world so its not like anybody will notice right? As I put more pressure to cut I heard a knock on the door.

I got startled and I instantly got up and threw the kunai on the floor. I got myself out of bed panicking because I didn't wanted to get caught, if that happened then my problems will become their problems too and its the last thing I want to deal with. I started thinking to myself, I wonder who could it be?

I walked all the way to the door I hesitate a little and took a deep breath and put my goofy smile that always works on fooling everyone I came across with. I opened the door and I saw Iruka sensei standing there.

I was surprise that he came and visit me but at the same time I felt happy by his presence it makes me feel more comfortable when I'm around him, It was really nice of Iruka sensei to stop by and pay me a visit I mean, I hardly get any visiters.

"Hi Iruka sensei! What makes you want to visit me?"
"Naruto, I came here to invite you to take a bite with me at icharaku ramen"
My face lit up when Iruka sensei mentioned the words Icharaku ramen.

"Sure I'll love too!"

I was filled with joy Icharaku ramen will make my day a little bit better then it was before. The reason why I like Icharaku ramen so much was because it helps me relief my stress of what I always go through everyday, the place itself makes me feel at ease, the aroma is delicious and the food is warm and made with love, it always makes me feel welcome.

As me and Iruka sensei were on our way to Icharaku ramen I could hear the voices of people talking about me and giving me the same look on their eyes but what can I say, I'm already used to it.

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