Eating breakfast makes your day wonderful. But, what if your late for your class? Would you able to eat? Heh, course not.
Running outside your apartment, you quickly jump out of the barracks. Falling down from the 5th floor of your apartment makes a bit faster than going down with stairs.
You saw your best friend going inside the deck halls of your apartment. He was about to enter when you shout at him.
"IIIIIIZZZZZZZUUUUUUUKKKKKKUUUUUU!!" You shouted from above as you fall, he panic as he was seeing you fall down.
"AHHH!! (NAME)!!" He shout as he ready his arms to catch you. But, you didn't. Instead you safely land beside him, which made him sigh in relief. He completely forgot how reckless you are when you use your quirk. Which made him thought, is straight in your only quirk?
"Yow! Come on! No time for chitchat! Were late!" You said as you grab his wrist as you ran faster dragging him along.
That was odd. For Izuku tho.
You were falling but your--no! Izuku! How could you think that?!
Suddenly Izuku's face went red as you being the idiot you are didn't notice.
Today is the entrance exam in Yuuie. And you make sure that izuku can enter. You gave a little lucky charm, and its a cute little BTS logo, with a words showing that "we are bullet proof!"
Actually, to be honest. Izuku was also a fanboy of BTS, but I guess its just a little. Hehhhe..
Unlike you, going crazy over your bias, (Bias in BTS?).
And of course, Author-chan already own Taehyung for some reason--oops...fourth wall...hheheee.
As the two of you made to the gates of yuuie, you let go of Izuku's wrist as he catch he's breath. Seriously, how hyper are you?
As you mesmerized the gates of yuuie, it was interrupted by a spiky ash blonde dude named Bakugou.
"Get out of the way Deku!" He shouted, which made izuku panic, "s-sorry!" He apologized, as Bakugou glare at him as he walk pass you. You glare at him, "hope you won't pass..." You whisper, which made Bakugou turn around and glare at you.
"What'd you say?!!" He shouted as little explosion on his hands. You sweat.
Did he heard?
"What? Me? Saying? I didn't even opened my mouth Katsuki!" You said, a little nervous for this asshole would chase you around trying to kill you.
He 'Tch'-ed and walk away, hands on his pocket. You sigh in relief that he's gone.
You turn around to see Izuku talking to a girl. As you saw he's face turn red in embarrassment. You goofily giggle, and have a face like this;...
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