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"I'm telling you guys," Lucy whined. "It's true! As crazy as it sounds..."

"Look honey, it's getting late. Why don't you get some sleep and we'll consider it in the morning, k?" David chuckled. His daughter's wild imagination always amused him. She must've got it from her mother, he thought.

"But wait! There was this old man, and two middle aged ones, who told me-"

"Lucy," Amanda cleared her throat. Unlike her husband, she did not find the situation amusing. She had a weird feeling that this just wasn't Lucy's imagination running wild - there was something about the way she talked, the way her face just held a look of sheer terror, that even her daughter, the amazing budding actress, couldn't fake. Plus, what she said sounded eerily familiar. She needed to figure out what she meant.

"Go upstairs to your room."



Lucy let out an exasperated sigh, feeling defeated, and trudged upstairs. Unbeknownst to Lucy, her mother followed close behind, leaving her clueless father behind, still smirking in his seat.

He would stay clueless forever.

The Conspiracy Theory of June 17Where stories live. Discover now