The Title's...

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Hey this is going to be a little different but I will be posting another story right after this one so be on look out. Anyway's this is the chapter where the information of Lyla is. I told you a brief explanation in the first chapter but not a lot.

"Lyla will always be an outcast nothing more."
"She will never be loved."
"She is ugly."
"I hate her."
"She's too weird."
"She is a loser."
"The lamest kid in school."
"A laughing stock."
"I feel bad for her parents, they must have been so embarrassed to have her as a kid."
"Really dumb."
"She's a potato so dumb and short."...

These are all the things people say about me...
there is probably way more but these are the ones I hear.
There is so much hate in the world...
I just want to know why?
Why do they hate?
Why do they fight?
Why do they lie?
If only...
If only I didn't have to be here, if I have another chance...
Starts singing... 🎤
Play song...

I feel powerful whenever I sing...

Hey guys it's me and I just want to say have a nice day!

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