Chapter 4

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Kaimu's POV

When I opened the door a bit and heard silence I took Kimy to her room and that's when I saw mom packing some of Kimy's clothes. 'What the...' a glare was on me and I let Kimy on the bed and I ran off scared as hell. 'Mom you are so psycho some times' I walk to my room to see dad stuffing my things in a bag.

"Dad what are you doing?" I asked him confused

"You I don't want a fagot in my house..." he said that and it hit me straight in the heart but continued saying "Your leaving this house just like your mom and your sister"

I reacted and said a bit mad that he told me fagot "No dad you can't do this were should I live were would be the next heir to the throne...Kimy can't live in the streets."

He pushed me and said with cold eyes and a angry tone "This is my house and I make the rules and I live alone and nobody will live here not until am dead and the throne will never fall into a fagots hands..."

"Don't say that" That sounded a bit girly and hurt

He came up to me and slapped me really hard and I started to taste blood in my mouth and he said "You are not my son.... you never were"

After an hour since my supposed dad kicked us out mom is mad at me and knowing mom she lies when in anger so she left me alone she in anger is like the wolf clan with vengence they are blinded by it but because me being gay in the family wasn't a really good idea I wanted Kimy by my side but mom controlled her she said her last good byes to me and left me her lucky bracelet to remind me of her.

I sat on the edge waiting to see someone for me to stay with. I didn't think mom would do that but just knowing her completely I just know she is doing her best not to hurt anybody. She must be on her way to my actual dad on her way to stay there to protect Kimy from harm but I on the other hand can't go.

Dad had a very bad past while the man I use to call dad is a religuouse man who always hates my guts. I groaned out as I began thinking who would take me while I search for my own appartment but the only person that came into mind is Natsuki 'How about not going... I don't want to bother Natsuki he has a house of his own he might lose it or oposite he wouldn't want me staying there... I can try at least'

Move feet!... but am too scare to move why am I scared? Maybe because my gut is twisting around and my mind blurring at the thought of Natuski not letting me stay and calling me a fagot or worse things. Suddenly my phone vibrates on my pocket making me pull it out. 'Speak of the devil...' Natsuki is calling me I took deep breaths and I finally answered him.

Natsuki's POV

'Am gonna make a call to my little kitten... I can invite him over for dinner with my brother and sister well if they actually come over' I called his phone at the fifth ring he answered. His breath on the phone was audiable I felt like if something happened to him.

"Hey Natsu" he called me Natsu know that is weird but he continued talking "Is something up?"

"Nop..." I said popping the P but I told him "Is something wrong you don't sound happy... Did I do something to hurt you or someone hurt you"

He broke down I could hear him crying on the other end and he ended up rasping out "I got kicked out..."

I almost roared and I told him "Come over with your things... You can stay here as long as you want..."

"R-Really?" he asked scared

"Of course come over..." I told him I smiled

"Ok... Am on my way..." he sniffled to then hang up

OMG his coming to live with me this is so exiting. 'Oh god I feel like a teenage drama movie... I think they call it fangirling' I faced palmed myself I am acting like an idiot. But then I knew if he is coming to leave with me I looked around at my mess and I began cleaning it all quickly. I went to the kitchen and began pre-heating the food.

Edited Chapter...  :D hope you guys like it

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