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Need some help in Trigonometry?

What is Trigonometry? The word trigonometry means 'triangle measurement'.

Trigonometry is an important tool for evaluating measurements of height and distance. It plays an important role in surveying, navigation, engineering, astronomy and many other branches of physical science.

Basic Trigonometry involves the ratios of the sides of right triangles. The three ratios are called tangent, sine and cosine. It can then be extended to other ratios and Trigonometry in the Cartesian Plane.

These lessons on trigonometry will include the following topics: Basic Trigonometry, Applications of Trigonometry, Trigonometry in the Cartesian Plane, Graphs of Trigonometric Functions, and Trigonometric Identites.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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