Old Flames Relit

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"I can't believe you couldn't protect her." Holland growled as they drove. "I can't believe you let her DIE!"
Kat squeaked and covered her face when he raised his voice. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I tried, but we all separated, she might not be dead! I just don't know!" She cried.
"That's enough!" Matthew held up his hand. "No more yelling at Kat. I understand loss is hard. But it's not going to change anything to turn on each other like this! She did all she could."
"But—" Holland began.
"She did all she could." Matthew turned to him, his voice dripping with rage. "That's enough." Holland grunted and looked out the window, his knuckles white from clenching his fists.
"Eyes on the road, EYES ON THE ROAD!" Ludwig yelled, and Matthew yelped and slammed on the brakes as they nearly ran into Tino and Berwald standing in the middle of the road with their food cart and...
"Vladimir?" Matthew asked in surprise, stepping out of the humvee.
"The one and only." Vladimir grinned. "And according to Tino, I'm coming with you on your little road trip."
Matthew frowned at Tino, and Tino looked away. Matthew sighed. "Alright, we've just had a few major losses anyway, we could use the extra hands, I suppose. Get in the back with my brother."
"The sun is setting." Vladimir noted as he climbed into the back with Alfred.
"Good call, captain obvious. What do you suppose we do about it?" Alfred glared at him.
"Head to the luxury guest hotel off route 6, thataway," Vladimir smirked and pointed to a highway exit. "It's gated and on a high rise hill. Probably the purest, most untouched part of this mess of a country." He said slyly, and Alfred raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Well...I guess that's a good option," he muttered. "Did you catch that, bro?"
Matthew narrowed his eyes. "How can we trust it?"
"You can't," Vladimir chuckled. "You'll have to either half-trust me on it, or drive to the coast during the night. It's your choice."
Matthew didn't even need to contemplate it. Turning the humvee around, he drove off the highway exit and out of the city, in the direction Vladimir had been pointing.
As they approached the hotel, all of them stared in awe at how pristine and magnificent it looked. None of them had stayed anywhere that nice since before the mess had started, months ago. Matthew drove the humvee into the parking lot and stopped at the front doors. "Are you sure this place is safe?"
"As sure as anything." Vladimir nodded.
"Alright...it was a steep hill to get up here, I guess...and those gates are pretty high..." Matthew hesitated before walking up to the front doors, shuddering at the memory of the doctors clinic so long ago. He pushed open the front doors, and immediately jumped back as a gun was shoved in his face.
"Matthew?" Eliza frowned, lowering her gun. "Guys!" She grinned happily. "Thought you could try to ditch me, did you?" She chuckled and hugged Matthew tight, and he relaxed into the hug.
"You're safe!" Ludwig yelled, maybe a little too excitedly. "How did you get here?"
"Matthew isn't the only one who knows how to hotwire. I had to get out of that drugstore..." She trailed off and glanced at Kat. Kat rubbed her arm shyly and looked away.
"You aren't Bella." Holland shot at her as he walked inside. "This place is nice though."
"Hello to you too, stranger," Eliza grunted at him and hugged Kat tight around the neck. "This place is really nice, and I've already checked the entire scene out. There's a backup generator hooked up, totally untouched. Everything is safe, not a zombie in sight. The place is ours." She grinned a little.
"I'm going to the exercise room." Ludwig said.
"I'm going with him," Holland nodded, walking away with him.
"I'm going to find a room..." Kat said, holding Matthew's hand. "Actually...we're going to find a room. Together. For ourselves."
"Wha—we are...doing...that...okay," Matthew nodded, holding her around the waist and walking to the stairs with her.
"I'm going to the sauna," Tino said, undoing his belt as he walked. He knew Berwald would follow, unable to resist.
"I'm...doing the same." Berwald grunted and shuffled after him, not wanting to make a big deal of it.
Liechtenstein held the micronations happily and protectively. "Let's get you all some awesome rooms for yourselves, okay?" They all nodded excitedly and ran off with her.
"You." Eliza leaned over the front desk and growled.
"Hello, old friend." Vladimir shot her a cheery grin. "You better get used to me. If it weren't for me suggesting we stop here, you'd be all alone. And we know that little Hungary hates being alone."
"Damn right I do." She snarled at him. "So...help me unload the humvee. I think we'll be staying here longer than a night."
"As you wish, your Reluctant Highness." Vladimir smiled a little and went outside with her. Part of him was genuinely happy to help, and part of Eliza was genuinely happy he was there to help.

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