Me today.
Anyways, well, um. Yesterday I told my crush I liked him and I have strong feelings towards him. He doesn't feel the same way. I cried and stayed up all night, because I dream about him. Well, today in science class I saw him and my friend-
Let me say it again....
MY FRIEND, holding hands. They were laughing and smiling at each other fondly. I couldn't handle it anymore so when the bell rang, I tried to get out of that class as fast as I can (because I hurt my leg, I'll explain later) my friend Adam went after me and I just started to cry hard. He was at their table, watching them flirt! My friend knew that I liked him and so did Adam.
It hurts so much🤧
On Wednesday in athletics we were running on the bleachers. So while I was going up the steps, I cut my leg with the corner of the bleachers. It was sharp! And when I was on my least set, I looked at my leg and saw blood. Like a lot. My friend helped me walk to the nurse and on our way there we saw blood on the floor. We started to freak out. Minutes later (we're still walking to the nurse) this 6th grader comes out of the band hallway holding his finger, screaming and crying. I asked him what's wrong and he showed me his finger. It was cut off, half of it. I almost fainted! It was soooo much blood.
Btw my leg is fucked up so I can't walk...😕
Now. As you may know, my Grandmother is dying....she went to the hospital because she couldn't breathe. Turns out she had blood cloggeds in her lungs. Scary. I haven't talked to her in days, but we are visiting her hopefully tomorrow.
You don't know how much I've been crying in the past week you guys. That's why I haven't been updating lately. My crush hurt me in many ways. I'm worried about my Grandmother, because she could be gone at any second now. And my leg.,
But yeah.
Love y'all so much😕💓