Getting ready for a rainy day

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"Guys, what are you doing there?" I asked, the expression on their face was not good – they are clearly hiding something – it was a pity I couldn't hear them talk.

"What", "Nothing", "When did you come" they all replied simultaneously, judging by their expression they didn't know if I know or not.

"Well, when were you planning to tell me?" I asked them, throwing in a bait – let me see who bites it first, my bet was Beam

"Kit, we were.." Beam started, but Forth interjected "Tell you what?", while Ming had a neutral expression

Damm, I need to play cool

"Ming" I looked at him, but he just smiled

"Why are you walking around, didn't Peach advise bed rest?" he came to me looking worried

They are definitely up to something, I can sense it – it is serious but am not able to put my finger on it, so I sighed giving up

"Fine" he said looking at Beam in eyes, he looked at Forth instantly

"Let's go in" he said

"Treat his lips first" I told him "before his cut gets bad" as I turned around – someone has hit Forth, but I was not sure who.

I need to talk with Ming separately, I looked at him but he just shook his head "It is not worth worrying Kit – let it go" he said, turning to Forth

"Trust Forth, I do" he told me, while Forth just smiled at him

"Come on darling" he said to Beam "It hurts like hell" giving him a look of pure innocence ... wow, I was amazed how he can look like at.

We went to our rooms, I decided to leave it alone – if it was anything to do with Prem, I really don't want to know.


Days rolled on to weeks, and slowly my tummy got bigger and bigger indicating that our daughter was growing hale and healthy.

"Ming" I called "Ming, come here fast"

"What..." he came running "What is worng?"

"No no, nothing is wrong" I calmed him down

"They, why the hell did you shout like that" he has been on panic mode always, and it was fun teasing him

"No, calm down" and look, I lifted my shirt up "can you see her foot?" I asked him

"What?" wonder filled his eyes "her foot?"

"Look here – can you see a tiny footprint?" I pointed out to him where I felt her kick

"Oh my god" he screamed now "yes, I see it" he know placed his hands to feel her kick. "Wow, she really is kicking hard"

He looked at me with concern "Is it painful?" he asked

I pulled his face up and gave him a kiss, touched by his concern "No" I told him "When is Peach here?"

"She should here any minute" he told me, and we both heard the door open

Pha, peeked in "Hey Guys – Peach is here" he said as he opened the door wide for her to enter

"Kit – I have all the test results with me" she smiled "also the article I want to publish – go through it and am adding your name as co-author" he handed over both the documents

"how are things, Dr.Peechaya?" Ming asked her, he was still not comfortable addressing her as Peach, I smiled to myself

"Things look normal" she sighed "But I do not want to take chances anymore – I would be really comfortable if you get admitted in our research facility.

"When do you think we should have the surgery?" Pha asked

"I am only 26 weeks now, I feel okay – let me hold on to her for as long as possible" I said "isn't the survival rate better?"

"Yes" she said "I am just worried Kit"

"Me too, but I want to fight as long as possible - I see normal development in her" I told her looking at the results

"Did you see yours?" she asked me

"What's wrong with him?"

"His lungs , digestive systems is being squeezed, so is his bladder and prostate – I am not sure what will be the complication" she said

Ming just looked at me and Pha, not sure what to do – I held his hands in mine

"Just a little bit of breathlessness and frequent bathroom trips" I tried to lighten mood

"But, I am okay – I can let you know if I have any discomfort" he said to her "even the slightest, don't think I am dumb enough to underplay anything" I told them

"Kit" said Pha

"It concerns Achara, don't tell me I will be that stupid" I shut him off, before he could say anything

"I understand Peach, I will have proper rest, take care of health – give me 4 more weeks, I will not provide my consent for surgery before week 30 is completed"

She sighed "I know, doctors make the worse patients"

"Do you promised to get admitted, even if we do not perform the surgery?" she asked me

"I would be more comfortable too Kitty, both of you are important to me" he said "Please"

"Okay, but am telling you – I do not see any risk for another couple of weeks" he was about to negotiate

"I will get admitted, but only after completing 30 weeks" I told him.

All three looked like they wanted to argue, but kept their silence

"I wish Beam was here to knock some sense into it" Pha sighed

"28 – No more" Peach said, compromising

"Deal" I smiled

"I will kill you personally, after we have the baby"' she laughed at me "For all the stress you put me through – I wish your daughter is just like you Kit"'

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