Cold, black, nothing. That was the colour of the sky. No twinkling stars to light the way for lost travelers. No sign that the night was ending aside from the moon slowly starting it's descent towards the horizon and the soft glow of the rising sun. That was my favorite part of the day, standing beside my sister as she brought the sun into the sky and as I set my beautiful moon. Was I the only one who thought that? Thought that my moon my beautiful? It's cold beauty a light in the otherwise black sky. As soon as my moon started to light the night sky, mother and fathers would call their fillies inside, the echoing calls of
"Be home before nightfall!"
Haunted my dreams. Every time I felt somepony in fear of my night, I broke a bit inside. I couldn't understand why they were scared! I was here to help! Without my night, no pony could sleep. But why didn't they sleep in the day? Why was my night cast out and feared? Why was I cast out and feared? But one day, I'd heard enough cries of fear, I had broken to much, I snapped. But everything has it's consequences, everypony knows that. Some consequences are worse than most, if a filly didn't eat all it's hay then it may be grounded to its room. If a teenage mare with power over the moon - such as myself - refused to put the moon down and tries to kill her sister by letting a power hungry alter ego out, she gets banished to the moon. For 1000 years. It gives you a lot of time to think. But even if I did try to kill her, I never stopped loving her, my sister, that is. So, one night, the sky was blue. I extended my prison, broke out of the moon, but didn't leave, I spread my consciousness across the sky, leaving the night sky a dark blue in its wake. So I would chase the moon, the blue dripping down the sky like wet paint on a canvas, leaving yellows, pinks and light blues in its wake. Even though I was younger, even though I am younger, I didn't stop looking after my sister. I lit the night sky with stars, like little fairy lights, hoping to guide lost ponies on their journeys. I grew more than I ever had on earth in the time I spent on the moon. The utter solitude and barrenness of the rock which I lived. I lived on a blank page, the stars were my paint. I made the constellations. Sent messages to my sister by writing omens in the sky for great unicorns to notice. But no one knew I was watching over them.
They still feared me. Nightmare Night they called it. Little fillies would run around in costumes knocking on their neighbours doors asking for candy then giving up some of their treasure as a sacrifice to Nightmare Moon, the evil Godess of the Night. When I appeared in fillies dreams to stop their night terrors, when they asked my name, they would scream and wake up. The name Princess Luna was feared. One night, I appeared to my sister. But she didn't run. All she said was,
"I'm sorry"
Then she was dragged into consciousness, leaving me alone again.
In my solitude I found peace, I became one with the moon and stars. I became a mother. Not to any filly, but to a world of wonder. No longer was the night sky an endless black, a thing to be feared. The night sky was a thing weary travellers celebrated as the stars came out to show them the way to whatever their destiny held. The moon was no longer a cold rock, but the brightest star in the sky. No longer was the night sky dead and dark. The night sky was blue.
Why the Night Sky is Blue
FanfictionShort MLP:FiM Luna based fanfic. Hope you enjoy!